Clover Character in Arulyn | World Anvil
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Caleb Tobias Walsh (a.k.a. Clover)

Born in 2335, Caleb Walsh grew up in poverty. With an abusive father and a superstitious mother, Caleb had to provide for his 3 little brothers. After the death of Caleb's father due to alcohol poisoning, Caleb joined a criminal organization called the Onyx Syndicate at the age of 14. From there on he grew ranks under the pseudonym Clover within the syndicate, which gave him the full power of command in 2367. As the leader of Onyx, he thrives for safety and justice for the common folk, but not without a ruling iron fist.   When Caleb was 17 years old, His mother had a tragic accident in the bathroom. She slipped and fell and cracked her skull open against the bathroom mirror, knocking it off the wall in the process. Because of her superstitious believes, she started to collect all the mirror pieces and put it back together. That afternoon Caleb found his mother on her knees in a bloodied bathroom next to the broken mirror, with cuts on her palm and a glass piece sticking out of her seeping head, hysterically looking for that last piece. After the ambulance took her away and she was treated in the hospital, the doctor told her that they had to remove a piece from her head. Instead of being relieved, angry, or with a laugh, all she could feel was being defeated, which devastated Caleb. And in all Irony, the mother did not suffer the next 7 years from bad luck. But after 10 years she started to develop dementia. She now resides in a health care institute.

Personality Characteristics


He wants to provide Kryssphort with safety and securety and believes that he can accomplish this by controlling all the crime of the city himself.

Virtues & Personality perks

Quick to act
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
2335 36 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Short black hair, trimmed to millimeters. large black beard with breads.
62 kg

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