Trevallìn Species in Arthenos | World Anvil
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The Trevallìn or the Wood Elves are a subrace of the Elvallìn. As their name implies they live in the dense forests and are in close connection to them. The live in treehouses, which can be as great and magnificent as great castles built by humans. The best archers of Arthenos, the Trevallìn are born with their bows and are taught the art of the hunt as a child. It is said they descend from Memburu, the God of the Hunt, one of the lesser Gods.

Basic Information


They have the same physique as the Elvallìn, only their body tint is a lot more accustomed to the lush green environment. Their skin is a shade of brown and green. Some of the Trevallìn are born with the "Tymor dhuratë" or the gift of the seasons, which make it so their skin changes with the seasons.

Growth Rate & Stages

Same as the Elvallìn; the Trevallìn do have a special ritual to prove that they are an adult.

Ecology and Habitats

Dense forests, away from the cities. The First Woods, which they call "Miranduïr", is the place where most of the Trevallìn are inhabited, since it has roots from the Old Ages.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Trevallìn are hunters and gatherers. They only take as much as they need from nature. They know there is a balance to uphold and they should only take as much as they are given.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to their lifetime of hunting, the Trevallìn have exceptional eyesight even among Elves. They can see a mouse from a mile afar. They also exceed in climbing in forests, whilst making no sound whatsoever.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Trevallìn like to give names which are connected to nature. As a first name they will use Elven names of woods, forests or old friends from nature. As a last name they pass it on from generation. A Trevallìn might be able to get a nickname for slaying a beast or monster.


When the Elvallìn came to Arthenos, there was a group that split from the main Elves. They felt the call of nature and were happy with there simple existence in balance with nature. They had cities in almost every major forest, but now their cities have been reduced to only a handful remaining.

Common Myths and Legends

Most of their stories and myths are themed by the hunt and nature. They have multiple deities personalizing every aspect of nature. They mostly don't care about the other deities. Their most famous stories are "The Story of Nuviël", where a Trevallìn woman who won a great championship by slaying the Behir; and "The Tale of Viro and Sylvia", where the human female Sylvia was found in the First woods by the Trevallìn Viro and the two fell in love, with a tragic ending.


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