Chete Settlement in Arthenos | World Anvil
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A small village at the edge of the Murmuring Woods, Chete is mostly used as a stopping point for travelers traveling to Vaikum.


It is very mixed. There is no rich elite. Only the middleclass and the mayor. But no real beggars or homeless.


The mayor handles all the tasks the people expect him to handle. They vote every 10 years but have chosen the same mayor named Roger Scruton for 50 years now. There are some guards who keep the peace and handle the petty crimes and problems.


No walls, a few guards.

Industry & Trade

They trade the lumber from the mill to the cities which brings in most of the money used in town. In town everyone knows each other and don't travel abroad as much. This way the gold stays in town and travels from family to family.


The most proud building in Chete is the lumber mill. It is the biggest in the province and is located a bit farther from the town. It uses the trees from the Murmuring Woods, but as not to disturb the ecology a Druid named Rillian Treeplanter helps them plant trees in a fast rate. In return they give him food and shelter.


The Blacksmith is named: The Horseshoe owned by Rudy Vandebuurt, a Human. The Herbalist Hut is named: The Greenweed owned by a human Indigo Ulra. The Inn is called the Rolling Ralt Inn owned by Freya Vertier. Small church honoring the Meion Rast.


It was built 180 years ago by some Halflings who allowed Humans to live among them. Then travelers who were sick of traveling or unable started settling with them. This way a mix of multiple races are found in town.
Characters in Location


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