Wyrmspeaker Rank/Title in Arteria | World Anvil


There are five Wyrmspeakers, each of whom wears a Dragon Mask, each representing one aspect of Tiamat’s five chromatic dragon heads – Red, Green, Blue, Black, and White. Severin Silrajin  is the Red Wyrmspeaker. “Rezmir the Black”, the half black-dragon who orchestrated the attack on the Junkyard, was the Black Wyrmspeaker. The Wyrmspeakers are also Wearers of Purple, who function as the leadership of the Cult. Their numbers are unknown. Wearers of Purple differ in experience and influence and are all of technically the same rank – though all pay homage to the Wyrmspeakers, Severin most of all. The ranks beneath the Wearers of Purple, from highest to lowest, are dragonsoul, dragonfang, dragonwing, dragonclaw, initiate.
Religious, Special