Vendrin Bloodfang Character in Arteria | World Anvil

Vendrin Bloodfang

The Crimson Emperor Vendrin Bloodfang

Vendrin Bloodfang is a ancient vampire with a very equisite taste for young blood. He has never been the kind of person to inject himself into the politics or ruling of a society. However, that does not mean he does not know what is happening in the political landscape and that he could not take influence if need be. He simply does not care about it if it is not directly himself or his businesses. Currently he is owner and proprietor of the Red Rose in Trustenfall. He enjoys this position as mediator between different social circles as it gets him into contact with interesting characters from this and othe planes. Vendrin is driven by his hedonistic tendency to a rather large degree but he does understand that even following once urges and instincts should be planned and handled carfully if one wants to survive.   The only times he completely gives in to his more animalistic tendencies is when he is hunting.
Current Location
Short white, curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, white
Ruled Locations

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