Igbalneum The Emberwing Character in Arteria | World Anvil

Igbalneum The Emberwing

The Emberwing Igbalneum (a.k.a. The Firey Scourge)

Igbalneum the 30 year old Flame Dragon was born the same as other Flame Dragons from the fires of the Elemental Plane of Fire. As such he exhibits the classic traits of Flame Dragons.   He is lording over his minions in The Embermaw while he is syphoning energy from the Elemental Plane of Fire and grows more powerful everyday. After his attack on Second Dawn he has grown even more egotistical induldges in his own greatness.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After being born on the Elemental Plane of Fire  he soon started to exhibit the classic traits of a flame dragon in showed great ambition to prove his greatness. Additionally, he developed a thirst for inflicting pain and suffering even surpassing the usual for Flame Dragons  Soon he had to learn that his flames did not cause the amount of pain he wanted them to to other residents of the Elemental Plane of Fire so when he saw the opportunity to travel through a rift to the Prime Material Plane he took it and found himself in a whole new word to torture.   After a few years of induldging in torture and mayham his thirst for more power awakened again and his quest to ammassing power began. During his search he stumbled over a ritual to open a stable portal to the Fire Plane and start absorbing its power. His first attempt in doing so was partially succesful but got thwarted by the adventurers of the Daybreakers before reaching its conclusion. He retreated to a volcano in the east and made it its lair The Embermaw.

Morality & Philosophy

Morality is for the weak the only thing that matters for Igbalneum is power.
Current Location
Burning Red Embers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Various shades of red and orange
5000 kg
Known Languages
  • Draconic
  • Dwarfish
  • Ignan
  • Common
Ruled Locations