Artemisia Emergent Homepage | World Anvil

Artemisia Emergent


The Laws of Artemisia Emergent

1. Telepathy exists naturally.

2. Psionics has been engineered in people who already possessed telepathic ability.

The world has been divided into islands of reality surrounded by uninhabitable dreams and void.

Principal Geography & Features

The mainland and islands are biodiverse, though the settings frequented by the characters the most are often built up into cities in the middle of woodlands and/or desert.

The Dreaming Void is a place of dreams, nightmares, strong emotional states, and creativity. The "shore" manifests as a body of dark, seething liquid rising into colorful fog, and those who venture too far into it are sucked under and do not always return. Once a person gets properly into it, the Dreaming Void lives up to its name by either dropping them into a bunch of cosmic nothingness until they find an active place, or manifesting dream-like scenes that can disorient and bring up strong emotions.

The void affects everything in proximity. Sometimes, it floods land adjacent to it, leaving behind bare earth stripped of plants and people alike. Even when it does not flood, it has a psychological effect on those who live nearby, manifesting in vivid dreams, nightmares, and unusual sleepwalking episodes.

Initial Active Setting

A collection of "islands" that the Element frequents, their ship, and the portion of the void that they pass through when travelling. It is also limited to a fairly narrow time frame--if the ability to re-enter at different chronological points has been discovered yet, it has not been well-refined.