Deya's StA Guild House Building / Landmark in Arregeas | World Anvil
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Deya's StA Guild House


The innkeeper is a tall Deyan Elf named Nymna.


Baked Hare and Dried Peach, Glass of Gin (2 sp)
Braised Duck and Poached Eggs, Glass of Cider (2 sp)
Baked Partridge and Poached Eggs, Glass of Cider (3 sp)
Salted Mutton and Dried Onions, Tankard of Mead (10 cp)
Vegetable Stew, Mug of Stout (2 cp)
Buckwheat Biscuits and Curd Cheese, Mug of Ale (4 cp)
Vegetable Stew, Mug of Perry (3 cp)
Wheat Porridge, Mug of Ale (2 cp)
Stewed Parsnip, Mug of Stout (5 cp)


Gelmot: Male Birdfolk Ranger. Gelmot is fair in appearance, a crow man with matted black feathers and sharp green eyes. He is talking quietly with a group of woodsmen.
Ausan: Female Human Storyteller. Ausan has thick gray hair and brown eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a staff. Ausan is searching for an ancient artifact of evil to research a story.
Vyaan: Male Elf from Deya, healing mage. Vyaan is rugged in appearance, with messy honey blond hair and amber eyes. He wears robes that have seen better days and tell the tale of a long journey. He also bears a big pouch with healing herbs in them. He carries a dagger in case he has to defend himself. Vyaan is quarreling with the innkeeper about his companion, a black wolf named Layan.
Anoc: Male Elf from the south, scavenger for the StA. Anoc has a square face, with auburn hair and dark eyes. He wears dark robes and has a peculiar scepter with him. Anoc seeks an opponent for a strange board game.
Brith: Female Human Storyteller and part time Fighter. Brith is exceptionally beautiful, with light blonde hair and narrow gray eyes. She is searching for a legendary blade named Nightslicer, an iron double edged, one-handed sword. It was created for combat and is a legendary weapon. The blade is strong, has a permanently sharp edge, and has runes engraved on it. It has a fancy guard, a grip inlaid with precious stones, and a pommel with a sigil set inside a disk. It is perfectly balanced.
Luwena: Female Elf from Deya, a sister in the deyan order of Diika . Luwena has blonde hair and soft hazel eyes. She wears modest garments of the order and carries a shield engraved with the phases of the moon and a wave design.
Kamyt: Female Dwarf Fighter from Pyktyrr. Kamyt has dark brown hair and grey eyes. She wears plate mail and wields a short sword. Kamyt seeks to become a knight of the realm.  


Amer Mylney the goldsmith has spent all his gold on mead and ale.
A lake of molten silver lies deep within the Eerie Fen.
The cavernous lair of an ancient dragon lies somewhere beneath the Western Plains.
There's a mad hermit who lives in the Ghostwood Downs.

Purpose / Function

The Deyan StA Guild House is one of a handful of similar guild houses all over Arregeas and serves as anchor points for storytellers and scavengers of the StA alike. Prices on food and drinks are reduced for members of the StA and staying the night once is free and after that the price is reduced. This is also a place where storytellers can earn a fixed amount of money per story and aren't dependent on tips from patrons like in non-StA-owned localities. In addition the guildhouse serves as a place to exchange information and research. Documents from the archive in the HQ can also be ordered to the house and be studied there.


There only used to be a groundfloor, a cellar and one storey, but 20 years ago a second storey was added to cope with the increasing amount of guests who stayed the night.


The guild house is a large building of timber and brick walls, with carved wooden doors and vaulted ceilings. Accomodations consist of several large rooms with beds and woolen mattresses.
It is situated near the market place in Eviin, Deya's capital city, north of the Scholar's Gate. It stands adjacent to a library of cartography.
The house consists of a cellar with a library, the ground floor where food and drinks are served and storytellers can go up on the stage to present their stories, as well as a kitchen and a backroom, and two floors with rooms for guests to stay the night.


The guild house in Deya was built 150 years ago on the order of the StA Headquarters and granted by the Deyan government. It is one of the newest guild houses in Arregeas.


Many storytellers and scavengers visit the guild house, be it for a cheaper stay, better payment, trading information or researching stories in the library in the cellar. The library specialises in documents about the Riverlands, its history, flora and fauna. There are quite a few accounts of the events of the Age of Fury, since the Riverlands were almost compltely destroyed during the Magic Wars. Thus, it also attracts scholars who study the impact of the Magic Wars on the environment.
Founding Date
192 EH, 7353 AR, 7286646 UTD
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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