The Skylar Institute Organization in Arratha | World Anvil

The Skylar Institute

The Skylar Institute was created by Vaughn Skylar when he had created his "Complete Study of the Arcane". He wanted to use some of the wealth he had amassed throughout his life to educate the next generations of Wizards. He wanted to simply call it "The Institute", but all of his apprentices called it "The Skylar Institute". The name officially changed shortly after his death.  


The school is located in the Luxford Isles, with most of the buildings in the Free City of Vedy. Lower Luxford also has their own branches of the school, as many of the citizens there believe it unnecessary to send their children out of the fief to get an education in the arcane. The schools in Lower Luxford are more specialized than those in Vedy, though much of the curriculum is identical.   There are small branches of the Skylar Institute in most of the fiefs throughout Arratha. These branches offer the introductory curriculum of Vaughn Skylar's original Complete Study of the Arcane for students, as well as independent study opportunities with the professors there. However, these small schools are primarily used to determine if a prospective student would fit in in the primary schools of Vedy, and provide a low-cost start to their education.   The local schools don't do much recruiting, as they are always well known in their region. The professors of these schools are able to focus entirely on their current students, ensuring they get a complete education and selecting individuals who would be excellent candidates for a transfer to a specific school in Vedy. The Institute has scholarship funds available for these students who show great promise to encourage anyone who has the talent necessary to follow the path Skylar laid out for all aspiring arcane masters.  


The basis of the current curriculum of the Institute is still the Complete Study of the Arcane. The curriculum Skylar created still holds true, though now it is thought to be the "Complete Introduction to the Arcane," as it goes through the basics of each school of magic, but doesn't dive deep into many of the intricacies of each school.   Shortly after the Century's War, the curriculum was augmented by the staff of the school to offer expert-level classes in each of the schools of magic, as well as classes which allow students to focus on battle magic and the recording of magical ideas.   The Skylar Institute has brought up some great Wizards in the years since the Century's War. These Wizards have helped rebuild cities, put an end to numerous bandit groups, and were responsible for creating and staffing the teleportation system that is used throughout Arratha.
Founding Date
12th of Ocht, 800
Education, Magic


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