Sandsea Geographic Location in Aroka: Fallen World | World Anvil


The Sandsea of Duva is believed by most to be a fictional place at worst and an severally exaggerated patch of desert at best. Dunes of sand blown about by everchanging winds as far as the eye can see, revealing and reburying both the remnants of those it has claimed as well as an entire civilization hidden just beneath its surface sounds too mystical for most, even in Cogys where magic and science create wonders beyond imagination and in Ohedyn where every force of nature bends to the will of their mages.    Despite all skepticism, the Sandsea is a very real place, home to many strange peoples and fearsome beasts. Pillars of stone serve as islands in the ever-shifting sands and havens for the delver and nomad alike. Though cooperative survival is preferred, there are those that would rather prey on the misfortunate and weak, surfing on the sands to ambush and rob the ill-prepared, leaving them to die to a beast, the heat, or be buried beneath the sands. By some unknown means, several bands of these vile opportunists have acquired airships that fly above the reach of the sands, gliding on the turbulent winds in search of easy targets.   There are countless ways to die in this lifeless place. The unrelenting heat of the Three Suns can cook you alive, any on of the countless predators could erupt from the sand or dive from the sky to make you its next meal, or you could meet you end at the hands of a fellow sentient being choosing to sacrifice you so they can living another day. However, many believe the worst way to die is to drown beneath the sand, never to be found. All it takes is a strong wind to upheave a mound of sand and bury you beneath it. Frequent sandstorms can also rearrange the landscape in minutes, erasing all signs of travelers. Those that have nearly met this fate, surviving only by the swift action of their comrades and no small amount of luck, say that you don't even have a chance to take a final full breath before being plunged into completed darkness, unable to move or even scream as the weight of the desert takes you into its eternal embrace. Even thoughts of such a fate give many pause, but enough delvers come back with tales or even relics of a lost civilization beneath the sand to entice another venture onto the sand.


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