Beware the Northern Lady! Myth in Aroa | World Anvil
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Beware the Northern Lady!

Beware the Northern Maiden
Beware! Beware!
Beware the Northern Maiden
Beware the Maiden’s horn
It’s the last thing you’ll hear.
Beware the Maiden’s colors
Kiss those that you hold dear.
Beware the Maiden’s crew
From sea to shore they roam.
Beware the Northern Sea
For there she calls her home.
Beware the Maiden’s Fury
He’ll chase you ‘cross the land.
Beware the Maiden’s reach
Dead n’matter where you stand.    
Beware the name of Gyda
A serpent of the waves.
Beware the swing of Thorgerd
She’ll take you to your grave    
Beware the Northern Maiden
Beware! Beware!
Beware the Northern Maiden

In Art

Song sung by people of the northern coast. In revelry by the occupied folk and in fear by the occupying force.
Date of Setting
Last 20 or so years


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