Elaria Ilnasol d'Fyla Character in Arnadell | World Anvil
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Elaria Ilnasol d'Fyla

Elaria Ilnasol d'Fyla (a.k.a. El, Ela, Aria)

Sleight, average height, and features a bit softer than that typical of elves, Elaria doesn't usually stick out in society. Able to easily blend in, naturally keeping to the sidelines. She is used to simplicity and strives to keep it. Good is good, bad is bad, and every man for themself ... except where money is involved. Keep to your own, and she'll usually keep to her's.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sleight of frame with only the light muscles of a girl who grew up outside the city.

Physical quirks

  • Rolls to the tip of her toes from her heel, back and forth.
  • Randomly braids her hair.

Special abilities

Elaria has a natural aptitude for portal travel, but is still learning from the group she has joined.

Apparel & Accessories

The base layer of her clothing is dark grey leggings and a long, billow sleeved shirt with a high v-neck opening in a light tan/white color. The sleeves are often kept pulled up to just above her elbow. A dark sleeveless royal blue dress goes over it that reaches just above her knees. Over this is a long brown leather vest that reaches to her high thighs and is left casually open at the top. Silver-threaded accents can be found across the back.   Her only accessories are those to be found in her hair, consisting of fine copper wire, keeping it in place and out of her face. Knee high boots of a color the same as that of her vest completes the outfit, though she can often be seen with a dark green cloak.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



She does what she wants.


No formal education.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Helped in a few successful runs.

Failures & Embarrassments

Had helped in one failed run.

Intellectual Characteristics

Pragmatic, a person who strongly believes in the notion of Occam's Razor.

Morality & Philosophy

Do a little no harm, but take no shit.


Don't break any mirrors.

Personality Characteristics


Eventually, the destruction will become un-ignorable. Elaria is here to push the gears of bureaucracy to work a little faster by brining the people its affected to the heart of the continent.


Family Ties

As an only child of two parents who died early on in her life, Elaria is left without any blood relatives save for an aunt assumed to be dead. She instead considers the ___ family and the small village of Fyla to be the closest things she has to family.

Religious Views

Though she views it as more a child's notion, a silly hope, she loosely follows the god ___.

Social Aptitude

It's rare for Elaria to particularly care about social norms or traditions. Even if she did care, she wouldn't exactly know how to navigate them. Instead, she decides to be blunt, but open, quiet, yet to the point ... when she feels like it. Sometimes, she keeps details for herself, especially around those she hasn't known long. At a bar, however, or in the middle of a festival, she finds ease in getting along with the people around her. It isn't difficult. Keep a smile, grab a drink, relax.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Making arrows and maintaining her bow.

Wealth & Financial state


Who wouldn't want to trapeze across space through the ever dangerous system of portals, for fun and - well - there's some human trafficking thrown in, too. But where's the point in anything that's completely legal?

Character Location
Current Location
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Chaotic Neutral
Dark Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light with a slight blue haze
About 125 lbs.


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