The North Geographic Location in Arlyss | World Anvil
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The North

The north encompasses all the land surrounding the world's end mountains and beyond. Populated largely by dwarves and tribal humans who refer to themselves as the Víkingr (the people), the north is a cold and unforgiving place. The tribesmen of the north worship the same gods as the Sydonians, but call them by other names. Their mythological creation story is also somewhat different. The Víkingr awakened in the north around the same time as the ancient Sydonians, and quickly made allies of the Dwarves (who presented them with iron weapons) in their mountain halls. According to the Sydonians, the Víkingr were from the same people as the Sydonians and traveled to the north to settle there while the Sydonians sailed across the sea to Dragon's end.   The Víkingr have adapted to the harsh landscape of the north well, and as a result are a hardy and serious people (though the invention of mead did help to lighten their mood). Their hunter-gatherer lifestyle continues to this day as they hunt and fish across the north to survive. Though they do not share the dwarves' ancient hatred of the orcs, they often come into conflict with them. The Víkingr are accustomed to the open sky, and rarely venture underground.   Though they are a mystery to the Víkingr and much of the world, the Kalaal (half-giants) who live beyond the world's end mountains often come down into the north and mingle with the Víkingr. Some have even been known to be accepted into one of the tribes.  

Major Villages

  Raksalu: The largest village in the north east, and home to a large open-air market where the tribesmen trade with Sydonian travelers and Dwarves of Kal-Kadred. A company of mercenaries known as the Varangr is headquartered here and take on contracts from the south. It is the ancestral seat of the Volsung tribe.   Högasun: The largest village in the north west and home to the Althing (a meeting of tribal leaders). The people of Högasun trade with the dwarves of Khazad-Nogaak and the city of Arlenport. It is the ancestral seat of the Scylfing tribe.  


  Víkingr government is tribal and based on independent Jarls ruling their own tribes. There are 5 tribes of Víkingr in the north, each with their own territory. Jarls are elected by the people of the tribe at an event called the Husting and the title is not inherited. Anyone can become Jarl if elected, including women and children (there have been a handful of child jarls as young as 8 years old). There is no official structure for councils or advisors, with each Jarl taking the council of their peers, friends and family. Tribal shamans (clerics of the northern pantheon) provide spiritual guidance to the tribe.   The Jarl's duty is to the tribe. The Jarl rules on matters both civil and judicial, mediating disagreements and handing out punishment for criminals. The laws of the Víkingr are few: Do not lie, do not steal, do not murder. Punishments can range from fines to indentured servitude and death. For especially heinous crimes, a punishment known as blóðörn (blood eagle) is performed whereby the criminal's back is cut open, his ribs broken and his lungs pulled out through his back (while living).   Though it has gone out of practice in the last century, Víkingr were once known to travel south and raid Sydonian villages. They were told to be going "viking" (as a verb) as they raided the countryside. The theft was not considered a crime if performed during a viking raid.  

The 5 tribes of the Víkingr

  Wægmunding: Living near the iceflow river, the Wægmunding prefer to live in the woods and wilds of the north. They are known as expert loggers and river fishermen, as well as for their peculiar dialect. Their spearmen are the best in the north (skills honed while spear fishing in the iceflow river). Led by Jarl Ranulf Erikson.   Wulfing: Living in the remote mountains of the north east, the Wulfing tribe is one of the smallest and most isolated. They are the closest allies to the Kalaal beyond the north, and are the only clan to live within caves and mine the mountains. Led by Jarl Bruni Ulfengur.   Scylfing: Living mostly in the western part of the north, the Scylfing tribe is one of the largest and most powerful (second only to the Völsung). They are the wealthiest tribe, having benefited from living near the wealthy dwarfhold of Khazad-Nogaak. Legends say the founder of the Scylfing tribe (Scylf Dragonsbane) slew a great wyrm for an ancient dwarven king and was rewarded with a greataxe made entirely of Mithril. Though the dragon slaying is legend, the axe itself is a tribal heirloom passed on to each Jarl. The Scylfing tribe has the closest relations to the people of Arlenport, but there is little love between the two. Arlenport mistrusts the tribesmen who once raided their villages and fishing boats, while the Scylfing are wary of the "southerners" as they call them. Previously led by Jarl Svend Jorunson, now awaiting the Althing to elect a successor.   Skjöldung: Living in the remote mountains of the north west, the Skjöldung are largely known as blood-thirsty savages. Believed to be the first berserkers, they never abandoned the old ways and still raid fishing boats who dare to venture too far north. Some say they even practice human sacrifice (a practice abandoned by the Víkingr centuries ago). Led by Jarl Aski Haraldsdotter.   Völsung: Living mostly in the eastern part of the north, the Völsung tribe is one of the largest and most powerful. Their warriors are the most seasoned, having battled orcs across the mountains for centuries. They are close allies of the dwarves of Kal-Kadred, and trade furs and foodstuffs for the precious metals and gems found deep within the mountains. The Völsung are the most "civilized" of the northern tribesmen due to their proximity and trade with central Sydonia. Led by Jarl Halfdan Bjornson.    


  The Víkingr have no established military. Each tribe is protected by its own warriors, who not only protect the tribe lands against orcs and monsters but also go to war against other tribes. They are expert bowmen and close-combat fighters. The ferocity of the Víkingr is known far and wide, and those who make enemies of them rarely live long. Among the favored weapons of the Víkingr are the handaxe, greataxe, shortsword, and dagger. The Víkingr rarely use shields and prefer to array themselves in furs and hide that blend well into the frozen landscape.   Each tribe has several shamans who travel with the warriors to fight and to enhance their abilities through magical runes carved into their weapons and armor. Skalds (northern bards) also travel with warbands and put their skaldic magic to use in aid of the warriors, enhancing their abilities and inspiring them to great feats of heroism.   Though they may be more legend than reality, the Víkingr berserkers are known to drink a tea of hallucinogenic herbs that sends them into a fit of rage and enables them to fight beyond the capabilities of normal men.  

Religion and Magic

  The Vikingr worship a pantheon of gods similar to the Sydonian pantheon. There are some who say they are the same gods with different names. They are seperated into two houses: The Aesir and the Vanir. Chief among the Aesir in Asard is Odin the all-father, who slew Ymir and created the world. Among the Vanir, the twin gods Freyr and Freyja rule in Vanaheim.   As in Sydonia, the priests of the Northern faith are named Hofgoði (high priest) and Goði. They wield runic and divine magic and advise the tribe in spiritual matters.   Skalds are the warrior-poets of the Vikingr, wielding bardic magic to enhance the abilities of their fellow warriors in battle.   Though rare, the Seiðr are witches and sorcerers who wield arcane magic, though there are also druids who are considered Seiðr for their ability to foretell the weather. Druidic magic has no official place in Vikingr society, and like arcane magic it is not entirely trusted.


  • Högasun
Government: Tribal   Ruler: Independent Jarls   Size: Sparse kingdom   Population: unknown   Economy: Fishing, trapping, trade, raiding.   Races: Humans 80% Goliath 10% Half-orc 2% other 8%


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