The Hengeyokai in Arlyss | World Anvil
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The Hengeyokai

The Hengeyokai are a race of shapeshifting animals living on the island of Yamato. They are a mystery to the people of the island, and are thought to have predated the arrival of the Nihon. The hengeyokai are often mistaken for shapeshifting humans, but are in fact animals who can assume humanoid forms if they desire. They live deep in the wild places of Yamato such as forests, caves and remote mountain passes. The Nihon believe they are either Kami themselves or servants of the Kami, and often leave offerings to them outside forests and caves. The hengeyokai are more than happy to accept these offerings, and are less likely to steal from Nihon communities who treat them well.   Hengeyokai society is broken up into like animals, most of which are small forest or cave-dwelling animals such as foxes, raccoons, rats, rabbits, monkeys, and cats. The hengeyokai do not form large communities like other humanoids, but rather remain in small familial groups. They use their humanoid forms to avoid detection and occasionally to steal from the Nihon or play tricks on them for entertainment. Occasionally, Hengeyokai leave their families to travel and adventure. While traveling, the hengeyokai tend to remain in human form to avoid detection except while sleeping or in private places.   The Hengeyokai have a natural talent for druidic magic, thanks to their close relationship with nature. Arcane spellcasters are rare among them, but not entirely unknown. Hengeyokai adventurers have even been known to learn magic from wizard schools, or take up the mantle of foreign gods as clerics and paladins. In Yamato, they do not worship any gods but the nature spirits within their domains, and usually have a strong respect for the balance of nature.   Nihon scholars have posited that the Hengeyokai may have originated on another plane of existence such as The Fey, and came to Yamato on behalf of the Fey like the elves of Arlyss. These same scholars believe that the Kami and the Fey are one and the same. Their scholarly opinions have earned them the ire of the Emperor's court, and the derision of their peers there.


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