Yamato in Arlyss | World Anvil
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  According to the Nihon, Long ago all the elements were mixed together in a formless mass of chaos. This mass began to mix around and around until the heavier part sank and the lighter part rose. The heavier part formed the world, and the lighter part formed the heavens. In the beginning, a muddy sea covered the world. From this ocean grew a green shoot. It grew and grew until it reached the heavens and there it was transformed into a god (kami) named Minakanushi. Soon this god grew lonely and it began to create other gods. The last two gods it made, Izanagi and Izanami, were the most remarkable.   One day as they were walking along they looked down on the ocean and wondered what was beneath it. Izanagi thrust his staff into the waters and as he pulled it back up some clumps of mud fell back into the sea. They began to harden and grow until they became the island of Yamato.   The two descended to this island and began to explore, each going in different directions. They created all kinds of plants. When they met again they decided to marry and have children to inhabit the land. The first child Izanami bore was a girl of radiant beauty. The gods decided she was too beautiful to live in Yamato, so they put her up in the sky and she became the sun. Their second daughter, Tsuki-yami, became the moon and their third and unruly son, Sosano-wo, was sentenced to the sea, where he creates storms.   Later, their first child, Amaterasu, bore a son who wed the daughter of the moon Tsuki-yami. Thus did man first walk upon Yamato and the Nihon people were born. Their descendant Gojou Toshikane would found the empire of Yamato (in roughly 600 BD), and all the emperors since then have claimed descent from him. The emperor had 4 sons, and upon his death the eldest ascended to the imperial throne while his brothers formed the first 3 clans of the Nihon: Takayama, Kasai, and Usuki. Each would lay claim to a region of Yamato: the Takayama in the north, Kasai in central Yamato and Usuki in the south. There, they built great fortresses and ruled over the land, naming themselves Daimyo (feudal lords). Though the Daimyo rule over their land, the Emperor rules over all in Yamato from the imperial city of Miyako and has absolute authority.   The sons of these Daimyo came to be known as Samurai (nobles), and were trained in the ways of the warrior. Over time, a code of honor known as Bushido was developed that applied to all facets of Samurai life. Samurai were granted land and serfs to work the land, and the feudal system was born.   In the 2,000 years since the founding of Yamato, the clans have constantly been at war with one another over land and power in the imperial city. When not at war, they are kept busy dealing with bandits, monsters and pirates raids on the coasts. Since establishing trade with the Sadim (who trade with the west), gunpowder weapons have been introduced into Yamato. Though the samurai refuse to use them, commoners and bandits have taken to the new technology quite well (with clan Usuki even employing musketeers in their army).  

The Clans

  The Takayama Clan came to be known as great and fearsome warriors. Expert survivalists and hunters of the frigid north, the Takayama are known for their use of the Tetsubo (greatclub) and Daikatana (greatsword). They favor heavier armor, except those who forgo armor entirely in favor of using rage as a weapon. They are the only clan to train such warriors. Clan Takayama's chief export is iron ore mined from the depths of Mount Amaterasu.   The Kasai Clan came to be known as the finest swordsmen in Yamato, preferring the use of the longsword (katana) and lighter armor. They perfected the art of Iaijutsu whereby a swordsman quickly draws his blade and attacks in one fluid motion. The Kasai combine culture and warfare, applying the same grace and meticulousness to swordsmanship as to tea ceremonies and art. They also have the finest courtesans in the empire, though they are no match for clan Usuki in the realm of court intrigue. Their chief exports are tea leaves, rice and art.   The Usuki Clan came to be known as the most shrewd of the Yamato cans. Their samurai favor the use of dual blades (katana and wakizashi, or long and short sword) and are the most adaptable. They also employ ninja assassins made up of small clans of commoners expertly trained in the art of death. Though the samurai are barred from the use of poison by the code of Bushido, these assassins are free to use powerful poisons and alchemical concoctions in their work. Clan Usuki is mistrusted by the rest of Yamato, but their agents in the imperial court maintain the facade that clan Usuki is ever faithful to the empire (and some may say they are, in their own way). Their chief exports are spies, alchemical reagents and fruit.   Ronin are Samurai who, for one reason or another, are now lordless and clan-less. They fight for coin, glory or both. Ronin have been known to leave Yamato and work as mercenaries on their travels across the world.  

Religion and Magic

  The people of Yamato worship the Kami, who range from powerful deities to simple nature spirits who live in all things. Their clerics are known as Shugenja, and they learn to ask the Kami for control over the elements of the world. The Kami are innumerable, but the major deities are those whose names grace the many peaks of Yamato:   Amaterasu: goddess of the sun.   Uzume: goddess of dawn, mirth, meditation, revelry and the arts.   Fujin: god of the wind.   Hachiman: god of archery and war.   Raijin: god of lightning, thunder and storms.   Suijin: god of water.   Inari: god of fertility and agriculture.   Sorcerers, warlocks and wizards are rare but exist in Yamato. They usually live as hermits on the fringes of society. Arcane magic in general is a concept entirely foreign to the Nihon, and those who wield it do so entirely outside the law.  
Government: Feudal   Ruler: Emperor Ryujin   Size: Large Kingdom   Population: 500,000   Economy: Fishing, trade, metalworking.   Races: Humans 92% Other 8%


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