Chapter 2: Ancient Foes in Arlyss | World Anvil
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Chapter 2: Ancient Foes

After clearing out the green dragon's hoard, the group returned to Arlenport and retired to their home in the gate ward. Jólköttr cooked a few "dragons steaks" and shared them with Victavia, who found them quite delicious.   The next day, messengers from Castle Lorens came to their home to summon them to the Duke's court. After Victavia made herself presentable (modifying her illusory clothing) and Jólköttr cleaned himself up a bit, they left with the messengers and followed them to the castle. There, they were led through a servant's entrance to the duke's court, where they interrupted a performance by some Bryganthian musicians. Jólköttr announced Victavia's entrance, shortly before the duke's men announced the group's entrance to the rest of the court. The awkward exchange solicited a few claps and chuckles from the crowd before Duke Arnulf Lorens called on them to present themselves to him.   He explained that he had heard of their exploits, and wished to hire them for a job. Rumours had reached him of giants amassing in the world's end mountains, and he needed someone to investigate and deal with the threat. This would be the first time the giants had returned in earnest since their defeat at the hands of Thor and the Vikingr in ages past. The young duke seemed almost excited at the prospect, and grew even more jubilated when Victavia accepted the job on their behalf (without mentioning their recent encounter with the Frost Giant in the Lakewood). He mentioned The town of Hogasun in the north as a possible source of information and sent them on their way.   After speaking with the garrison commander, they learned that Jarl Svend Jorunson ruled over the Scylfing tribe in Hogasun. He advised that they should meet with him and learn what he knew of the situation. They gathered their things (including cold weather clothing) and left that day aboard a horse-drawn wagon. As they passed through northern Sydonia and the county of Strathbury, the weather grew colder and the land more barren. They passed the estate of the count of Kempwood, famed adventurer and supernatural researcher Tar'Kanis as they left Sydonia and entered the north. A day's ride from Hogasun, the group was attacked by a band of Vikingr raiders. These outlaws no doubt sought to rob them of their wealth or capture them as slaves, but soon regretted that decision as the party fought back and slew most of them. Four survivors fled into the forests, never to be seen by the group again.  
  In Hogasun, the party stabled their horses and rented rooms at Sif's Alehouse, where Jawhara was challenged to an arm wrestling contest she soundly won. They drank and ate and retired for the night. The next day, they visited the longhouse where Jarl Jorunson held court. After announcing their intent, they were allowed to speak with the Jarl. He proved equally concerned by the threat of the Giants, and after they shared what they witnessed in the Lakewood he grew ever more concerned. For the giants and dragons, once mortal enemies, to have made an alliance was deeply troubling. He revealed that several of their hunters had gone missing in the mountains to the north, near an area where his scouts had discovered frost giants roaming. After some exchanges between him and Jólköttr about the might of the gods, as well as questioning Victavia about being a Seithr (witch) and who had hired them, he decided their coming was fortuitous and allowed them to go forth into the mountains and investigate. He ordered a feast be prepared, and the group spent the rest of the day feasting and drinking into the night.   The next morning, Jarl Jorunson gave them bear and wolf-fur cloaks to warm themselves in the mountains and sent them on their way with rations for the journey. Jólköttr led the way, with Jawhara acting as scout. They spent most of the day traveling into the mountains, reaching the frozen peaks by sundown when they discovered giant-tracks. The group decided to press on into the night, hoping to surprise the giants asleep. As the sun set, they found themselves tracking the giants by moonlight across the snowy mountainside. As they neared the top, Jawhara began feeling vibrations in the ground. As they snuck up the mountain, they discovered a pair of frost giants making their way down. Jawhara used her magic to conceal their footsteps and Victavia cast an illusion upon them to hide them from the giants' sight. As the giants neared, they sprung their trap and launched from the illusory bushes into a vicious attack on the unsuspecting giants. Jawhara and Kelthar battled the giants head on, while Jólköttr healed their wounds with the help of his spirit totem and Victavia unleashed disabling magic against them. Before long, both giants were slain and the combat was won. They composed themselves, healing wounds and resting for a time before continuing upward towards the giants' lair...  


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