ZAHAD Character in ARKTORIA | World Anvil

ZAHAD (za-had)

Written by Jdebro

Zahad is a member of the merchant Carnvell Guild, a master marksmen, master martial artist, hunter, and merchant prince. The son of a powerful merchant, Zahad’s family life was shattered when he & mother were forced to flee due to actions of a knight order against his father. Zahad has focused on a goal ever since that time: finding the ones responsible & getting to the truth.  
Early Years
Zahad is the son of wealthy merchant prince Eliad & merchant contessa Hagar, all of whom are members of the Zemira Tribe. His father Eliad once fought with distinction alongside the Knights of Nobilana, before building a powerful mining company. His mother Hagar was a merchant contessa who also learned martial arts. Zahad’s early childhood years were happy ones, involved in many activities with the other children. He would also meet Lali Alcort, the daughter of Eliad’s close friends Alman & Cassanda Alcort. Zahad would learn martial arts from both his parents, as well as his heritage as a member of the Zemira Tribe.   Zahad’s childhood years were shattered when his father was accused of crimes against the Knights Of Nobilana, which he vehemently denied. Suspecting foul play, Eliad has both Zahad & Hagar to hide in a safehouse the Zemira Tribe maintained while he joined with Alman to get answers. Eliad would turn up dead shortly thereafter, & Hagar taking Zahad out of Axlis upon receiving the news. Zahad was deeply hurt when he learned his father was dead, crying for many nights for the entire month.   Hagar & Zahad would stay at a relative’s manor for the rest of his childhood, with his mother using her experience to build a modest shipping company. Zahad would continue his training under his mother’s teachings until he became a young adult. When Zahad was away on a local sparring tournament, Hagar became greatly ill & became bedridden. Zahad managed to return home in time to hear his mother’s last words, where she implored him to “seek the truth, but don’t become a monster.” Zahad gave his mother an funeral pyre after her passing, deeply grieved over her death.  
Becoming A Merchant Prince & Mercenary
Zahad decided afterwards to venture out on his own, resolving to take what he believed he was owed in life. Moving out of his relative’s manor, Zahad soon found a merchant guild called the Carnvell Guild. The Guild had downtrodden due to the activities of pirates pillaging their ships, and a rival guild using corrupt methods to ruin them. Zahad decided to join the guild and focused on building a armed force for the guild, and choosing to become a pirate hunter. Zahad soon became one of the most highly feared pirate hunters, eliminating many pirate crews. He also would develop plans to have the Carnvell Guild employ an private armed force, who would be responsible to protecting the interests of the Guild.   Zahad would later find a familiar face when he ran into Lali Alcort, who had also joined the Guild as well. Zahad & Lali talked for a while about what had happened to them both. Zahad would inform Lali that the home village they lived in was seized & forced to relocate, being told of his by his mother after they moved in with her relatives.   Zahad had been working to gain enough resources and allies to search for answers about what really happened, and to find the ones responsible for the loss suffered. Lali offered to combine her resources with Zahad’s to rebuild the Carnvell Guild, creating a network that will enable them to eventually unravel the truth. Zahad shared his plans regarding a private force with Lali, while they both helped the Guildmasters to rebuild the Carnvell Guild into something greater than it had been. Zahad & Lali formed the private army for the Carnvell Guild that they commanded called the Gold Suns   After sometime had passed, Zahad received word from Lali about information regarding the people responsible for their home’s downfall. Hunting down a list of Nobilana Knights for each piece of information. Zahad gained much infamy among the Knights of Nobilana, becoming a wanted criminal. Zahad was unconcerned about his infamous reputation, due to his being quite careful about concealing his identity. Zahad, like Lali, will stop at almost nothing to discover the truth about why his family & village was targeted…..


Personal Traits

  • Age: 29
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Human
  • Height: 6'0
  • Weight: 230
  • Hair color: Black
  • Eye color: Green
  • Complexion: Brown Skin
  • Nationality: Noblianian
  • Date of Birth: AFDI 5969 7/5
  • Place Of Birth: Axlis, Nobilana
  • Ethnic Group: Zemiraite
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous
  • Martial Status: Single
  • Spouse(s)/partner(s): None
  • Children: None
  • Biological Father: Eliad
  • Biological Mother: Hagar
  • Siblings: None
Zahad is highly intelligent, analytical, & level-headed. He can be somewhat brash at times, due to him having a issue with impatience. He is knowledgeable about hunting, combat, and the inner workings of merchant guilds & criminal syndicates. Zahad can be laid-back whenever he has nothing important on his agenda, though he will become quite focused should that change. He does have a sense of sarcastic humor. Zahad does possess a fierce temper when roused, becoming just as enraged as Lali.
Likes: Lali, his mining company, his friends, helping the community, Gebbor Order Dislikes: excessive shopping, Knights of Nobilana, nobility, gambling, magic, alcohol, pirate
Physical description
Zahad is a tall young man with brown skin, green eyes, close-cut hair, a moderately muscular & fit build. He is slightly shorter than Lali, the height difference being one inch.
Character | Mar 2, 2022

Lali Alcort is a member of the merchant Carnvell Guild, a highly skilled gunslinger, martial combat, hunter, and merchant contessa


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