BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Dunamai is the mysterious supernatural power that comes from outside the physical realm, and it is the opponent of another supernatural power called Magic. Dunamai enables those who are given it to perform many incredible feats of power, and places them in a whole other dimensions in terms of power.
    NATURE The true nature of Dunamai is that it is a power that originates from the Supernatural Divine Realm and it possesses power & authority that is outside of all reality. This effectively means that Dunamai is outside the laws of reality itself, enabling Dynami to bring into existence whatever effect or phenomena they desire (due to being able to effect the very foundations of reality). Dunamai uses Energeia (or “divine energy”) as the fuel to produce the near-boundless array of powers & abilities Dunamai grants its wielders the Dynami.
Dunamai is different from Mageia (aka Magic) in fundamental ways despite both types of supernatural power using Energeia as the fuel needed to activate their effects. Dunamai does not have the requirement to use spells, incantations, hexes, rituals, talismans, or other magical means while Mageia requires such means to achieve their effects. Dunamai also comes from only one source of power called the Great Source whereas Mageia can come from many different power sources. Dunamai is absolutely anti-magic in nature as it would be impossible for Dunamai users to use magical power at all, which means that Dunamai & Mageia are utterly incompatible and cannot co-exist. This is due to Dunamai having a completely different nature from Mageia.
Dunamai allows users to produce a vast number of effects that include (but not limited to): teleportation, supernatural strength, rebuke dark malevolent spirits, travel across space-time, flight, molecular manipulation, telepathy, supernatural awareness, and many other powers on a cosmic scale (and even beyond that).
The true nature of the Dynami’s powers is the power to bring into existence that is outside the laws of reality, while also allowing for the alteration of the foundations of reality easily. Dynami can do nearly anything with their powers at will due to the supernatural divine power of Dunamai. The method Dynami use of bringing effects into existence is completely different from how Magic users do as Dynami do not use spells, hexes, nor any kind of magic at all. Dunamai is absolutely anti-magical in nature as co-existence between the two is impossible, thereby Dynami by nature cannot wield magic nor anything magic-related at all.   POWERS Divine empowerment: All Dynami receive their powers from the Great Source, which is divine in nature. Due to the supernatural divine nature of the Great Source, Dynami are more powerful than the majority of other superpowered beings and are simply beyond them. Supernaturally-enhanced physiology: The supernatural energies that are within Dynami causes their physical attributes to raised to superhuman levels. This is due to no mutations, alternations, or hybrid attributes at all. The supernatural energies takes the natural attributes of each Dynami (Human & Beastian), and increases them to superhuman levels. Supernatural power: All Dynami have varying levels (and dimensions) of power that depends on the individual, and how much time they invest in increasing their power. Each individual power level can range from having average power to vastly colossal power, with even greater power residing in reaching higher dimensions of supernatural power (which is greater that supernatural levels of power). Supernatural strength: All Dynami possess supernatural strength, which is dimensions above the strength of even other beings whose strength is not supernatural at all. The supernatural strength of Dynami varies on each individual. Supernatural invulnerability: All Dynami have supernatural invulnerability that ensures that they cannot be affected by anything that is not supernatural in nature. There is nothing that can affect them at all that is not supernatural, which means that no force, superpowered being, not weaponry, nor anything else that can affect them. Only the supernatural can affect them, though how much depends on the power level of each Dynami. Dynami can withstand impact forces, fall from great heights, exposure to temperatures, pressure extremes, and powerful force blasts. Supernatural speed & reflexes: All Dynami possesses the power to move at superhuman speeds, which is far beyond supersonic. They can also perform complex actions at blinding speeds. Dynami can move that speeds ranging from near the speed of light to far beyond the speed of light. Their reflexes give them reaction times that allow them to dodge point-blank assaults, etc. Due to the fact that their speed is supernatural in nature, Dynami are not bound to the natural laws of physics at all. Dynami can also move omni-directionally, meaning that they can move in all directions at will. Supernatural agility: All Dynami's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are increased to levels that are beyond the physical limits of even other superpowered beings, due to their supernatural powers. Supernatural stamina: Dynami has the ability to maintain continuous strenuous physical action far beyond known limits. They possess unlimited stamina, and they can exert themselves at peak capacity for countless months on end at the very least without tiring at all. Supernatural senses: Every Dynami has supernatural-powered senses, which simply is their natural senses increased to supernatural levels. They can see supernatural influences, see at vast distances, hear sounds at greater ranges, etc. Supernatural hearing Supernatural sight Supernatural smell: Supernatural touch: Supernatural taste: Supernatural healing: Despite their great resilience, it is possible to injure Dynami. However, they are capable of recovering from injuries with superhuman speed and efficiency. All Dynami are resistant to all known diseases and infections. They can regenerate missing limbs and organs easily. They also can extend their supernatural healing ability to another living being to ensure their survival. Supernatural healing extension: Dynami who are deeply connected to the Great Source can also heal the injuries of other people or bestiary easily by waving their hand at the patient speaking in a UNKNOWN TONGUE. This can only be done by Dynami who are deeply faithful to the Great Source. Supernatural perception & awareness: Dynami possess supernatural awareness that allows them to be aware of many things, and gain deeper understanding of various things. The depth of this supernatural awareness varies on each individual. Exceeds possess supernatural perception that allow them to sense other living beings, as to determine their abilities. They can even tell what supernatural influences are occurred within their range, regardless of their nature and origin. They can even sense the presence of technological beings such as cyborgs and androids. They also can see supernatural beings that normally would be invisible. It is nearly impossible to sneak up on Dynami. Supernatural flight: Dynami can fly through supernatural means, which by its very nature allows them to ignore the natural laws of physics. Dynami can hover, maneuver, and fly in ways that would be impossible by natural means. Dynami can fly at will. Dynami can also travel through space easily. Supernatural teleportation: All Dynami have the power to supernaturally teleport in any location they can determine at will. Apporting: Dynami can teleport anyone from one location to one another through a chosen motion: a simple wave of their hand, a snap of their fingers, or doing so without any gesture at all. Supernatural translocation: Dynami have the ability to move from one place to another supernaturally, displacing themselves to do so. This is done by warping from one place to another. The action happens in the physical plane; the translocation is a supernatural act that renders the user invulnerable to any physical interaction. This is not the same as teleportation. Matter translocation: Dynami also have the ability to translocate matter and move it elsewhere in a manner very similar to their own translocation. Dynami can move objects, humans, animals (including Bestiary), buildings, other living beings, etc. Total supernatural control: All Dynami have full control over their powers, making it impossible for other beings to siphon them. Self-sustenance: Dynami's supernatural energies can sustain them to the point where each individual Dynami can go without food or water for indefinite periods of time. They literally can go without food and water for their entire lifespan. Restoration: Dynami have the ability to restore any damage that has been done, even if it was not done by them. Entire cities and more can be restored rather easily as well as entire continents if need be. Affinity with supernatural power: Dynami have a strong affinity for supernatural power, in particular the power that comes from the Great Source. Dynami are so comfortable around the supernatural that it is second nature to them, Innate power restoration: All Dynami have the innate ability to automatically restore their powers within moments, even after suffering extreme degrees of direst. Environmental adaptation: All Dynami can live in any environment as they cannot be affect by that environment. They can live in the harshest environmental conditions indefinitely and they can survive in the vacuum of space. They are immune to the harshest temperatures of cold and heat. Life Resonance: Dynami also generate a resonance called a Life resonance, which is the same type of resonance that covers all of Eretz. This resonance allows Dynami to fly above Eretz to the cosmos while ensuring that they do not suffer any mental damage while they are above the life resonance field of Eretz. The life resonance frequency that every Dynami generates is 7.83.       CELESTIAL Telepathic Immunity: All Dynami are absolutely immune to telepathy, meaning that no telepathic ability can affect them at all.       NEGATION Magical resistance: all Dynami are completely immune to magic of the highest order, even those wielded by “god” pantheons (to name a few). Dynami have a vast resistance to magic, being able to brush it off its effects. Dispel magic: Dynami have the ability to dispel magic through non-magical means. This is connected to speaking the name (and authority) of the Great Source's Anointed to do so. Exorcism: Dynami have the ability to kill and exorcise demons by simply speaking the Name of the Anointed of the Great Source. When performing an exorcism, an Dynami utters the name (and authority) of this Anointed, which causes the demons (evil spirits) to submit to them through that spoken Word. Power negation: Dynami have the ability to negate the powers of beings whose powers are not supernatural in nature, rendering them completely powerless. They can even prevent them from regaining their powers with ease, with only having to be in their mere presence. Dynami can also extend their power negation to a large area, with the area being determined only by the power class of each individual Dynami.     LIGHT Celestial Light projection: Spiritual Light Burst: Supernatural Strobe Lighting: Supernatural Illumination: Energizing Light:     SOUND Celestial Harmonics: Divine Scream: Sound Barrier: Sonar: Dynami can tracking any target or analyze their environment by using sound to gather information in what is essentially sonar. Vocal Unconsciousness: Thunder: Dynami can generate powerful sounds of Thunder that can easily shake Eretz. Dynami can do this by clapping their hands, simply speaking with a supernaturally empowered voice, or by yelling with empowered shouts that raise their vocal capabilities to levels that would be utterly impossible by any other living being to generate.     TIME Time Manipulation Immunity: Dynami are completely to any effects that involve time manipulation, and remain unaffected by time-based powers. Dynami can still function even if time stops completely due to an time-stopping ability, Negate Time Effects: In addition to their time-manipulation immunity, Dynami can also negate all time-altering effects simply by willing it to stop, or by simply being in the place where the time-altering is taking place.     ENERGY Divine Energy Projection: Dynami have the power to project & manipulate supernatural divine energy, the highest form of energy over all other types of energy. Dynami can project divine energy for a wide array for effects, which they generate due to their supernaturally-blessed nature. Spiritual Energy Blasts: Dynami can generate powerful spiritual energy blasts from their eyes, hands, or other parts of their body. Solid Energy Constructs: Dynami can create force-fields & other constructs using only their supernatural energy by solidifying it. The effect & strength of these constructs depends on the overall power level of the Dynami. Power suppression: Dynami can override the energy manipulation abilities of non-supernatural & preternatural beings, making them unable to use their powers despite their power level. Electromagnetic Spectrum Domination: Dynami use their supernatural energy to dominate the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing them to generate light, heat, force, & electricity at will. Telekinesis: Dynami possess telekinesis that enables them to move and controls objects supernaturally using their spiritual energy to do so. How powerful a Dynami's telekinesis is depends on each individual, but generally it is superior to other forms of telekinesis. Dynami can levitate, propel, or manipulate objects or individuals, generate concussive force, and form telekinetic barriers. Dynami also have very fine control over their telekinesis allowing them to disassemble & reassemble complex objects at will. Dynami can telekinetically lift nearly anything regardless of weight.       FIRE Divine Pyrokinesis: Dynami can create divine supernatural flames that can burn under any conditions, even the impossible ones such as vacuum space or underwater. These flames are supernatural/spiritual in nature that are capable of burning anything both natural & spiritual. Due to their divine nature, these flames do not require oxygen to burn, and burn so intensely that matter is consumed without any by-products such as ashes. These divine flames can also burn spiritual beings & objects as well. Dynami have perfect control over these supernatural flames, and can choose what their flames consume at will. These supernatural flames are able to burn even underwater. Fire Projectiles: Dynami have the ability to project fiery long-range beams of fire from any part of their body at will. Burning: The power to burn, scald, singe, scorch, vaporize, evaporate, and incinerate nearly anything or any being via touch or without any physical contact at will. Fire Absorption: Dynami can absorb fire any amount or power into their being at will. Fire Breathing: Dynami are able to breath fire from their mouth, ranging from a fiery stream to a full-blown wildfire. Fire Extinguishing: Dynami are able to extinguish any fire at great ranges or nearby simply by willing it or with a gesture. Fiery Projections: Dynami can generate, project, and create virtually different shapes, objects, constructs, and weapons entirely composed of fire at will. Firestorm:Dynami can form a powerful storm of fire that can cover distances that can vary according to the will of the Dynami, from a entire region to even affecting the cosmos. Spontaneous Combustion: Dynami can spontaneously combust & engulf any portion of themselves in supernatural fire without suffering any harm at all. Welding and Fusing: Dynami can finely control their supernatural fire to perform very delicate welding jobs. Dynami can fuse craters, holes, openings in walls, floors, ceilings, or even the ground.     HOARFROST Ice projection: Dynami can generate ice at will without having to need moisture around them, although they can just as easily use any moisture around them as well. The ice that Dynami can be formed into any object of his choosing, being only limited by their imagination and their overall power. Dynami do not have to hold the ice physically to shape it, but can direct the waves of coldness in ways that allows for the shaping that is desired. The ice that Dynami can create is not like common ice, but instead is a ice that is generated via from supernatural power. Thermokinesis: Dynami can lower their external and internal body temperature, allowing for the projecting of intense vast coldness from their bodies. This also has an effect on the environment as the surrounding moisture is also lowered, all the while with the Dynami lowering their body temperature to absolute zero & below. Dynami can cover themselves in an icy covering that encompasses their entire bodies.Dynami can also selectively lower each part of their body at will, keeping one portion cold while the other remains warm or hot at the same time. Molecular Moisture Inversion & Conversion: Dynami can easily freeze water molecules at will, essentially turning them into ice. They can also transform organic matter into ice at will. Blizzard: Dynami can generate powerful blizzards that can be shaped to cover large distances at will. Sky ice: Dynami can generate a form of ice that is far different from common ice called Sky ice, named as the color of Sky ice is solid blue much like the sky of Eretz. Sky ice is far colder than even the coldest ice known, being much below absolute zero. Sky ice is lighter than common ice and is not transparent at all. Sky ice also have unique properties that common ice does not have. Sky ice is flexible to the point where it does not break but instead bends, something that normal ice cannot do. Sky ice does not melt into water at all, but instead would turn into vapor while leaving any surface it touched completely dry. Sky ice also can build itself after taking damage within a matter of minutes or seconds. Dynami can generate Sky ice from their hands, eyes, mouth, or their entire body at will to accomplish whatever they wish to cover in it.     WATER         WIND DIVINE       EARTH Terrakinesis: Dynami can cause earthquakes by their actions or merely their presence alone, or by simple action such as tapping their foot and other gestures. Earthquakes: Volcanic Eruption: Lava control:         LIGHTNING Lightning blasts: Chain Lightning: Electromagnetic spectrum control:
There are many users of Dunamai that have existed in several eras of time in history, and there are Dunamai users currently as well. Within these people are certain users who are granted even greater Dunamai that enables them to project even greater heights of power. Dunamai can have many users but it is often restricted to certain kinds that are allowed to wield it is in the first place, meaning that outside of these few no one else can use Dunamai. The kinds that can use Dunamai are Humans & Beasts (Saurians, Felidians, & Ursidians), who are chosen to be part of an empowered group. These empowered users are called Dynami (a term which comes from the term Dunamai), who can wield these greater heights of powers to achieve even more effects.
  Dynami are actually not a separate kind, nor are they an offshoot of any species. Instead, Dynami are a collection of individuals who are from both Humans & Beasts who are gifted with greater Dunamai. This makes them unique among other super-powered beings because they are simply group of Humans & Beasts who wield supernatural powers. The beings who can have Dunamai have recognized the Great Source as their patron through their recognition & acceptance of the Great Source. Others who can receive Dunamai are former magicians/wizards & witches who have disavowed Mageia, and declare their choice of the Great Source.


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