ATHERFLUID Material in ARKTORIA | World Anvil
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ATHERFLUID (ather-fluid)

Atherfluid is a special type of fluid that contains unique properties that makes it desirable by different groups for usage on rune-making, creating batteries that last extremely long, and an essential material for forges. Atherfluid’s origin is not fully known presently, but it has traits that led many to suspect that it is a fluid that came from the heavens somehow. The nations of Pharas & Sarton are the most prolific users of Atherfluid, making it an very important material for their peoples.

History & Usage


Atherfluid was first discovered eight generations ago by the forefathers of the Pharas Tribe, who were traveling with a hunting party at the time. A massive explosion struck a nearby mountain, catching their attention as they were sleeping. At first, the hunting party were going to leave the area as they believed that the wrath of Hayah was upon the land. However, a shining being appeared to them to encourage them to venture upon the mountain. Although quite nervous, the hunting party climbed to the top of the mountain. They noticed the strange fluid that emanated from the impact, swirling down the mountain like a river. They returned to the tribe to spread word of what they witnessed, and soon a larger expedition was sent to observe & study the strange fluid. A priest of the Pharas tribe, understanding that the fluid came of the heavens, called the substance Atherfluid after the named of the starry heavens. Over the following generations, many more springs of Atherfluid would be discovered all over the land of Lavantia

Everyday use

Atherfluid is used commonly as a container for energy charges within special containers called Pharas batteries, used by the Pharas tribe to provide power for lighting & fuel for their Ather engines. Atherfluid is also used for the creations of etched metallic constructs such as armor, buildings, weaponry, and a protective coating over other materials used for construction.


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