The Auric Wings Organization in Arkos | World Anvil
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The Auric Wings

"You are testing my patience dwarf! It's Sigmar, Major Sigmar, and you should do well to rememeber it, I- ...wha... SUGMAR BALLS?! BY THE SWORD AND CROWN, I ABJURE THEE!" - Major Sigmar of the Auric Wings   The Auric Wings serve as the armed forces and military of the Kingdom of Velant, although their standing military is significantly smaller than that of other Western Arkos nations, particularly that of their northern neighbour the Oreion Inquisition. While The Justicars protect the citizens of Velant within the Kingdom and uphold the law, soldiers of the Auric Wings protect the borders of the Kingdom and deal with any threats the guardsmen of the Kingdom may not be equipped to handle.
Military, Army
Parent Organization


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