The Arcane University Organization in Arkos | World Anvil
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The Arcane University

Residing in a trio of large island-spheres floating above Imperia, the Arcane University houses the largest collection of practicing mages in North-Western Arkos. While the University is under the jurisdiction of the Crescent Empire, it is meant to be a place of learning and discovery for those who practice magic. It is also known to be welcoming to those who have no magic abilities, but simply desire to gain knowledge and grow in their learning.   Kept aloft by three massive Arcane Crystals, the three spheres of the university have a magical barrier surrounding them, keeping anything unwanted from entering and stopping anyone from falling to their demise. The only way to access the university from the outside is to use its corresponding teleportation pad in Imperia. The University also houses three pads within that are linked to the Empire's mainland; specifically the cities of Brightforge, Daggervale, and Highwall.   In times of emergency, the advanced mages of the University can channel their power together to create a magical barrier around the entire city of Imperia, though maintaining this shield for long is incredibly taxing.   The University is led by the Arch mage, who oversees all aspects of the school and communicates directly with the Emperor. Reporting directly to the Arch mage are the head magisters; one head magister presides over a school of magic practiced at the university.   While the University has been a great boon for the Empire and its people in its 500 year existence, it has also been the source of considerable strife between the Empire and the Oreion Inquisition. The Inquisition claim the practices of the University are too unregulated and dangerous; they hold the belief it should be disbanded as soon as possible.   Currently, the University is led by Arch mage Pavatorri, and in the elf's absence, Head Arcane Magister Chadgar.
Founding Date
499 3A
Education, Magic
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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