Pontius Mengsk Character in Arkos | World Anvil
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Pontius Mengsk

"The future of our family will be determined in these next few months. We could establish a dynasty that would last a thousand years...or we could collapse into nothing."
  Cunning. Ruthless. Intelligent. Implacable. All these words have been used to describe Pontius Mengsk, the Wolf of the East. An older man in a position where most die young, Pontius has ruled the Oreion Inquisition for close to 40 years; a fact that owes its existence to his mastery of political manipulation and tremendous influence. Pontius is known by many to be a firm believer in the fact that heroes do not win wars; armies do. Rather than glorify adventurers, Pontius seeks to uphold his lineage of House Mengsk, believing that family and military strength must take precedence if a nation is to stand strong and secure.   Unlike many rulers of old and in other parts of Western Arkos, Pontius feels no need to flaunt his wealth and status. No crown adorns his head; no robes flow behind him as he walks. For his entire rule, he is known to only wear a tight black leather coat; on special occasions he does wear a single piece of jewelry in the form of a gold breast pin. According to Inquisitorial scholars, the title of Grand Inquisitor that he is addressed as is not actually his official moniker. His proper title is Protector of Oreion, Successor of the Great Houses, Supreme Pontiff of the Arkonian Church, Sovereign of Victorum, Servant of the Servants of the Creator.   Pontius' attitude towards the use of magic have certainly carried over into his nation; many Oreions and Crescentians attribute the start of the 3rd Empire/Inquisition war to Pontius' hatred for mages and their arcane practices.   As the civil war continues to rage in Oreion, nobles and officials close to Pontius have noted that his decision making has seemed more rash and impulsive. Some speculate this is related to his brief disappearance months prior, coupled with the odd mark appearing on his neck.   Pontius has four children, the youngest being the beautiful Princess Bellus. There are, as there often are in political circles, rumors that the father-daughter relationship between the two is disagreeable at nest, seeing as how she no longer resides in Oreion. The other known two are his eldest, Alleria Mengsk, and the reclusive Camila Mengsk, who is rarely seen in public circles.
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