Night of Golden Tears Prose in Arkos | World Anvil
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Night of Golden Tears

"The Void; the forces of shadow. Darkness itself is oft thought to be evil, but it is a force of nature; a part of life just as much as light is. I have spent my life studying both, and they tell a frightenly similar tale. While darkness seems to magnify one's vices, amplify their base desires and emotions, light seems to almost remove their feelings of empathy, or morality as a whole. It generates apathy like a cancer. For all of creation, there must be a balance of both. Lest the catastrophic events of the past be repeated." - Callahan Vondrak
    Three years after the events of the Battle of the New Dawn and the end of The Kindling, Western Arkos experienced a strange event in its night sky. Dozens of stars seemed to rain down from the heavens above, causing panic in different parts of Western Arkos, paticularly in Crescentia. Many believed more pieces of the moon Lien-Da were raining down onto the land as they did before during the return of Nex.   However, the golden tears as they became known as by many individuals disappeared from sight as soon they touched down in the Kingdom of Velant, and no reports of destruction were heard. While many dismiss the event as a unique astronomical phenomenon (nothing more than a light show), others believe that the night held great significance.   It was later discovered by The Sanctioned that the stars falling were in fact large quantities of crystallized primordial Light energy, called down by The Holy Light as part of their plan to control the land of Velant.


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