Kingdom of Shegoth Organization in Arkos | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Shegoth

From her balcony, Stryder and his mother have a perfect view of the bay, Shegoth’s mighty fleet, and the mountains beyond that make up the inlet. “We have lived a good life here again, thanks to you”, she remarks, turning to look at her son and putting a weary hand over his. “My only regret is that you did not get to live yours. But I am so proud of the man you have become regardless. Your father is too, I’m sure.” She looks back over the bay and pauses, as if to choose her next words carefully. “...Our world has changed. For all of us. And none of us, try as we might, can go back. All we can do is our best. And sometimes, the best that we can do, is to start over.” - Excerpt from Arcano Blackstrand's Return to Shegoth after his unjust banishment   With the outbreak of the First War between the Crescent Empire and the Oreion Inquisition, Reygorn Blackstrand and his fleet of merchant ships sailed southwest out of Crescentia to find a new trade route. Arriving at the continent later known as Revros, the young captain along with two dozen of his crew discovered the bay off the eastern coast of what is now known as Shegoth, and decided to make a new home for themselves. Located next to the Harenae desert, much of the land of Shegoth itself is not suitable for farming. Thankfully, King Reygorn the Resolute as he was later called established good relations with the northern Holy Order of Paxmal, marrying the High Priest's daughter Violla. In exchange for the Paxmalians enlightening the Shegothians to what they regard as the 'true faith' in worship to the Creator, the Shegothians have provided protection for the Paxmalians for close to 800 years.    The Shegothians also exported many of the valuable goods the central land of Paxmal provided, and still do presently. In fact, trade is the lifeblood of the Kingdom. Relying heavily on import and export for food and the economy, this can often lead the people of Shegoth in either a state of wealth or starvation. Boasting the largest fleet of ships on Western Arkos, most of which make port at the Kingdom's capital of Covespire, Shegoth displays an impressive nautical force, but a singular blockade has the potential to cripple the country.   With his partnership betweent the new kingdom and the northern Holy Order, Reygorn the Resolute earned his title, carving out a home for his people despite the initial harsh conditions and supplying the Paxmalians with not only a new avenue with which to share their faith and goods, but also new people to continue their bloodlines with. While the two nations get along well, they do differ in some key areas. As stated previously, the Holy Order condemns violence while the Shegothians view it as necessary in some cases. Men and women are treated more as equals within the Kingdom of Shegoth, and there are some that believe the residents of Paxmal provide their services and goods to Shegoth as an act of atonement for hiding away from Western Arkos for so long when their initial calling was to share their faith in the Creator.   In recent years after many successions from the royal line, the Kingdom of Shegoth saw a time of prosperity under the rule of King Leonar the Wise, and his beautiful wife Queen Elduna. Tradegy struck the Shegothian royal family, however, when the brother to Leonar, Torax Blackstrand, was involved in a wide conspiracy to murder the king and establish himself as regent, after pinning the blame on Leonar's son, Arcano. While Torax's hand in the conspiracy has since been revealed, damage has been done to the Kingdom of Shegoth under his rule in the form of wide spread starvation, leading to the Crescent Empire shipping any agricultural goods they could spare to the resolute nation.


Predominant Ancient: Paires

Forward unto the Dawn

Founding Date
208 3A
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Notable Members


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