Confederacy of Scandia Organization in Arkos | World Anvil
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Confederacy of Scandia

War is good for business   Peace is good for business   Don't trust a man wearing an outfit better than your own   The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife   Good customers are as rare as Arkonite. Treasure them   Free advice is seldom cheap  
  • Common Scandian Rules of Business
  •     The Confederacy of Scandia is a conglomerate of city-states, countys and businesses on the south-eastern continent of Scandia. With a population comprised mainly of Halflings and Ratmen, the internal structure of Scandia is largely dictated by trade and business. Gold and goods are the lifeblood of the many trade companies and merchant guilds that dot Scandia, as well as the country itself. Laws and government policies are determined by the head of the major companies, often fueling military ventures or city watch establishments using their own gold.   With the largest merchant guilds and trade companies on Western Arkos, Scandia has a variety of goods to offer the rest of the world, including delicacies, otherwise illegal spices, ore and minerals, as well as hard to come by alchemical components. The goal of most citizens of the Confederacy is to generate as much profit as possible, or at least enough to carve out a life of luxury for one's self.   While the natives of Scandia have always been known to be heavily involved in trade and business ventures, the Confederacy was founded in the 3rd Age due to the collective aligned interests of the continents most prominent trade lords. There are rumors that the world spanning thieves guild The Purse was originally conceived in the underbelly of Scandia, before spreading out to the rest of Western Arkos.   Scandia has no central capital city, but instead its generally governed from the largest centers of trade dotted around the continent.


    Predominant Ancient: Medulla

    Bound by Nothing

    Founding Date
    355 3A
    Political, Confederation


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