The Baharuthan Legion Military Formation in Arkion | World Anvil
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The Baharuthan Legion

The Legions are the primary military force employed by the Empire and they were one of the driving factors in the creation of The Baharuth Empire, and to this day they protect the nation and its people. The Legionaries are not only soliders however, for example they are often employed in rescue missions after natural disasters. They also act as a type of policing force especially outside the bigger cities along the roads, and it is also possible that they would be employed as manual labourers when constructing government buildings like Roads, Bridges and the like.  


as a Baharuthan minor or aristocratic, male noble who does not stand to inherit a title or another important position in the family, there are pretty much only 3 options to choose from, either study the mystic arts at Einsamkeit, join the clergy, or become a legionary. Without talent in magic or connections in the church this choice is pretty much made for you. So to become a legionary you attend the royal academy in either Luthadel or at Fort Sumter in the Northern Dominance. 3 Years of rigorous training follow to steel the body and the mind in equal parts. After these 3 years, a legionary is ready for battle but the following 5 years they continuosly further their abilities in a chosen field such as archery or other fields of fighting. And of course for the rest of their service they continuously train but now mostly on the job.  


As a noble, you finish your training as a crimson legionary, whilst most commoners end up a as a silver legionary the difference however is often not found in their battleprowess but in their ability to lead, command and so forth. A crimson legionary will start of as a squad leader but can climb up the ladder int othe higher echelons of comand, whilst blue legionarys might stay on the same rank for their entire service.  

~ Silver Legionary´s  

~ Crimson Legionary´s   But many commoners have indeed also climbed the ladder such as commander stout one of Edmund van Baharuth´s most trusted aids in conquering the East.  


Every legionary regardless of rank is provided with a custom made full body Armor, the exact blueprints are not known and the armor is mostly produced by dwarven smiths, but some humans have also mastered the production of it. Furthermore a short and longsword is provided, and depending on specialization a legionary may choose from either a Spear, a warhammer or a Longbow to be made in the signature design.


A single batallion of legionarys usually consists of 100 melee & 50 ranged legionaries led by 5 squadron leaders split up into corps of 20 melee and 10 ranged fighters, with this unique command style each independent batallion can pull off small scale flankings or resque charges without wating for higher ups to comamnd them. But this fluidity also has some drawbacks, in defeat caos often ensues when different leaders have different ideas of hwo to deal with the situation. To even out this problem a 6 squadron leader is sometimes put into place to keep the interests of the whole batallion in mind.

Cover image: by ~ by Midjourney
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