The Baharuth Empire Organization in Arkion | World Anvil
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The Baharuth Empire (Baharuhth)

The Baharuth Empire

The Baharuth Empire stretches along the Central Western Continent (Marak), it contains a number of Provinces and most of the Free Cities along the Estern Coast and on the Gili ilands have also been Integrated. It stretches far to the South until it meets the Fangorn Jungle, and even further to the north where it borders the Wyvern Mountain Range and the Tribes up to the North.   The Empire is the Geopolitical power whoose History stretches the farthes on the Current Continent. Not counting the Elves of course but noone really knows about their political dealings.   The Collapse of the Final Empire a milennia ago set forth a rather strange chain of events which led to Infighting of nearly Global scale. The Power Vacuum left behind by this Glorius Institution can only be described as Catastrophic. suddenly every prefect harbored designs to snatch the throne, and an unknown Force , seems to have played its part in all this madness.  

Edmund van Baharuth

Yet after roughly 400 Years a Young Marquis endowed with remarcable Talents in both Politics and Magic donned the Position of his Father. The Lad´s name was of course Edmund van Bahartuth and at the time the Baharuth´s only controlled a small Reagion to the north of the current Empire. But soon nearby competition was Eradicated . At this point Edmund had declared Himself Duke of the Northern Dominion and the Duchy even bordered the offshoots of the Cataclymic Origin. . The Period after the establishment of the Duchy is not too well preserved, some say edmund was Idly enjoying life at that point, yet some belive he had spent this time preparing for his next move.  


And what a move it prooved to be, 10 years have passed and the first records of Einsamkeit start to pop up in the Historical Literature, a school for those endowed with the Gift of Magic was founded, and the construction of the Central Tower was comissioned. And at the Head of the Academy the first Archmage David was Put in Place. Yet what happend after was rather Strange, Edmund formed this as its own entirely Seperate Entity with no clear ties to the Duchy whatsoever. he did this to ensure a limit to his own Power aparently through this many neighboring Powers who were getting anxios at the prospect of a unified mage army found themself soothed.  

Conquest of Luthadel

This wah however a soothing effect that did not last long, sadly roughly half a century later Edmund executed a manover that schocked the Entire Continent. (Battles of Arkion) Somehow he managed to expell the Evil and Destruction that loomed over the Capital of the Final Empire and then took it without further Resistance   With a cunning Political ploy he Forged an Alliance with the Dwarves of Old, and soon after the first batallion of Legions emerged in Baharuth´s battels. An elite fighting force equipped by the dwarves endowed with specialised trainign. With this new founded Force Edmund Swept half the Continent and Established the Eastern (ac. 426) and Central Dominion (ac 429), and Crowned himself Emperor of Baharuth shortly after (ac. 431).   Even tho he was still rather fit for his Age Edmund then Retired the Throne to his second Son Cipher whilst his first son followed David to become the next Archmage in line severing all rights to the Titles of his Father.   Both his sons also rose to prominance soon after and continued on their Fathers work and expanded the empire, in the 500 Years to follow the Empire has Expanded and shrunken a few times to establish the Empire we know today.
Crest of the Baharuth Empire
The Crest of the Baharuth Empire ~ by Midjourney
by ~ by Midjourney
Geopolitical, Empire
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute

This article has no secrets.


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