Plains Walker´s Myth in Arkion | World Anvil
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Plains Walker´s

Although these stories are mainly told in the The Baharuth Empire, all around Arkion they incite at least an uncomfortable feeling in the hearts of many children. The plain walkers after all have a certain realism to them, ever so often gigantic creatures walk the plains of arkion, they appear one day and vanish the next at least that is what is told in the stories. But one thing is certain if they are real and if they were to appear in your vacinity the likelyhood of you telling the tale would be close to zero. The Stories tell of 3 different kinds of appearances and they cal lthem as follows.  

She who watches!

This is the one mostly used in the stories to scare the children, A massive eye mounted to a snake-like neck that stretches down from its towering torso to look at things, peering into the huts of Men, and if unlucky enough to be looking out the window at the time right into their souls. Those who looked at her are now bumbling idiots at best, dead dried up corpses at the worst. "Hush into bed and close your eyes so she who watches cannot catch you." - is what Mothers would tell their children to scare them into the bed.  

They who Wander!

Tho similar in appearance to the afformentioned creature, they who wander do not pay attention to the men beneath them but wander on undisturbed, but impede their travels and it shall be the last thing you ever did, Illusions at their feed, scorching heat emenating from their hooves, lighning striking down around them, horrors creeping beneath their fur.  

It who Sees!

It is rare to hear someone describing it who sees when they talk about the walkers, most likely because in these stories everyone pherishes, the creature appears at the Horizon peering seemingly in all directions and does not move like the others, but if you dare even think about it your mind will be hauntet and chased until driven into madness or worse, and no matter where you flee to it will always be there looking at you beyond the Horizon.

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