Black Iron Material in Arkion | World Anvil
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Black Iron

Black Iron

Primarily found in the Blackstone Mountainrange black iron shares many characteristics with normal iron, but it also differs in some aspects. Black iron is a lot more malliable once heated, furthermore in comparison to other metals it expands a lot more when heated, this makes it difficult to meld it into an alloy and only skilled blacksmiths can turn it into black steel. Often they use a mixture of 2/3 black iron and 1/3 normal iron to achieve the desired properties of black steel.  


House Venture is the primary distributor of black metal and they themselves mostly use it for armor, the flexibility the metal provides is perfect for the joints and intricate details of the plate armor knights of venture wear into battle. But hinges, tools weapons and a multitude of other things can also be crafted from it. But outside of venture it is not nearly as widespread, and it cannot rival wyvern steel made by the dwarves of the Trakun Kingdom but even the dwarves recognize its value and incorporate its unique properties in many of their inventions.
"The Properties of black iron can either be a blessing or a curse for a blacksmith, depending on the skill and situation"
~ Feírune Sunless
~ Black Iron Ingot

Cover image: by Midjourney


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