The Lens Geographic Location in Argent | World Anvil
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The Lens

A massive revolving sphere of magical stone and otherworldly steel, atop which sits Lunace Observatory, the divine temple that Icae resides within, known also as the moon, watching over the Tide with a close eye and a divine perception. Within the center of the Lens is a massive series of workshops, refineries, and residences, where Icae's servants slowly hollow out the lunar sphere, crafting constructs for the Crescent Militia, and refining the lunar steel and arcane stone that the Lens is made from, to be used by her servants, for whatever purposes they require.      


The surface of the Lens, outside of the factories and almost city like environment within, is that of a mostly baron lunar wasteland. White stone and sand, with mountainous peeks, rolling hills, and hidden valleys. Many magically hidden locations reside on the surface, with homes for many of the magic gods aspects, such as Cassiopeia, or the eight aspects of magic, and their pseudo-divine holds.

Fauna & Flora

Little lives here, though Couatls, Yame, and other celestial creatures roam this place, making it both a home, and keeping the surface safe from any masked creatures that may find themselves there. When it comes to plants, a surprising number of flowers survive here, kept alive by the odd magical rain that seems to come down on the Lens' surface very now and then.
Alternative Name(s)
The Moon
Dimensional plane
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