The Excess Geographic Location in Argent | World Anvil
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The Excess

Outside of the shells of Argent exist a vast open space that, theoretically, is infinite in size. This expanse is known as the Excess. When magic leaves Icae's view and escapes the confines of Argent itself, it ends up here, drifting away from the plane with no resistance. This hardly touched discarded divine magic reacts with itself, as none are around to manage it, and it acts wildly on it's own. Life is created, worlds are born, and monsters are given form.   The further away from Argent magic seems to get, the less it follows the same properties. There comes a point at the edge of the universe where everything is an impenetrable inky black. None know what is past it besides what they've seen come out. This place is called The Outside, and it is the source of where Outer Magic is formed.   The Excess consists of many planets revolving around Argent, making up a web of interstellar communities and creatures. Many communities stay separate, or are too primitive to travel the stars, but many races have figured out the technology and utilize it. The first to do so were the Astran. Astran civilization is probably the most wide spread throughout the galaxy, and historically, their people have done many great things for the people of the Excess. They pioneered the first crafts that could traverse the empty air-less voids of the Excess, and shared that technology with other races like the original Mandrake and Volcanus.   The known Excess outside of Argent is separate from it. Despite how interconnected the many galactic communities have become, those of Argent are left excluded. Icae does not allow that made of excess magic into the plane of it's own accord, so alien beings cannot enter the world on their own. Though, with a guide, they are exempt from this barrier. In the same way that excess magic is allowed in for spellcasters, if one is being specifically brought in by another, it is seen as similar in act, and she does not interfere.  

Planet Types

Planets, also known as Planes or Realms, absolutely fill the endless expanse of the Excess. Though, there are many kinds with different properties based on the school of magic that created them if they were formed from arcane, the god that governs them if it was formed by the divine, or the element it imbues in its core if it was formed via magical chaos.  

Arcane Realms

Arcane Realms come in a number of different varieties, each dependent on the school of magic most prominent in the location when the plane formed. Each of these individual effects, and descriptions of the kinds of worlds you'll find made by this magic follow.   Abjuration planes will find themselves more noticeably arcane than others to the untrained eye. They are often non-physical, made entirely out of magical force. Beings that live on these planets are often of similar make. They aren't made of flesh and bone like your average humanoid, but are instead animated constructs of force and magic. These civilizations develop much faster than others because of this. It is uncommon for races of this variety to have short lifespans, and they are notably difficult to kill. Galactic powers often take to these realms, and make up strongholds within them. They don't tend to be spherical like other planes, and are instead shapes of force that float around. They choose these locations because more often than not, planes of abjuration are hollow, and can be used as planet sized defensive walls of force if you manage to find a way inside.   Conjuration planets on the other hand are much more like ours, or, realistically, any other. Conjuration realms find themselves being formed of things stolen from other realms. Races on a conjuration planet may be identical to that on another, for no real reason. Magic surrounding conjuration is about moving and summoning, and it's realm matches that. These places often find themselves as large cosmic magnets, sucking in things that get lost to the cosmos. Conjuration realms are struck by more cosmic debris than any other.   Realms of Divination are a bit more complex. Divination realms don't create or hold life, they simply guide it. These bright glowing orbs are what those on Argent would refer to as stars. They are condensed orbs of fate and destiny made into a physical form. These bright novas of energy rarely have an effect on themselves or each other, but because of their nature, cultures and races across the galaxy look to the stars when in need of guidance, even if they don't know why.   Enchantment, similar to Divination, doesn't have it's own unique style of plane. It instead latches itself to another. A large area of condensed divination will attach itself to a realm, and change the way those people act. Planes altered this way are considered close to sentient, and control their denizens like a hive mind. It is incredibly dangerous to venture even close to an enchantment infused plane. Evocation planets are often confused with those of a more elemental origin. These planes are home to races like the Volcanus, and are often rather chaotic planets when it comes to their climates and other living conditions. Worlds dominated by great fires, destructive oceans, and relentless winds are some of the most common examples of these sorts of planes in action. Though they are difficult to live on, the races that do thrive on these planes are universally known as some of the strongest in the galaxy.   Illusion   Necromancy   Transmutation planets are often writhing and twisting, chaotic places. Whether hosting life or simply being formed of rock, water, and ice, these locations only appear the same for moments at a time. Objects may liquify, change composition or shape, or speed up and slow down arbitrarily. Time is often very inconsistent on such worlds, and visiting them might cause vast shifts in the perceived passage of time for those on the surface versus other locations. Characteristic qualities of such planets are vast jutting spires of ice, rock or plant life, and nearly incomprehensible terrain.  

Divine Realms

  Divine Realms are locations like Adoration or Silverlight, and are primarily controlled by the gods they are governed by. These realms all have their own specific unique rules, different to the way other planes have more consistent rules and themes among their types.
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