Or'Row Species in Arelia | World Anvil


The Or'Row are a race of half breeds, appearing first where there are drow clans that live close to the surface near orc territory. These unfortunate creatures are the products of drow and orcs breeding. They were used as slaves by both Orcish warbands and Drow Clans whenever they appeared, useful as diplomats because of their mixed heritage, and as warrior scouts because of the grace and stealth imparted to them by their drow blood and unchecked ferocity and strength from the orcish side.   Generations ago, an Or'Row woman was born with incredible intelligence, strength, grace, and even magical ability. She was born with no name and took the name Orion, and would eventually lead her people to freedom! No one is sure exactly where her magical power came from, perhaps a sorcerous bloodline? A gift from Yosren, Naki or Nyxa? Who's to say, in the end, all that mattered to her was she put down the fools who kept her people in chains.   These days Or'Row are famous rangers and mercenaries, specializing in tracking people down and guiding people through the upper levels of the Underdark.

Cover image: Dark Sun Inspired by Tazio Bettin


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