Ardunor Current Era Timeline
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Current Era

Because eras are typically named once they are over, the era happening now is simply referred to as The Current Era.

  • Year 1 of the Current Era, the 8th day of Primarch
    The Fall of the Üth Empire
    Era beginning/end

    The Üth Empire had fallen, its former territory splintered into countless city-states, nations, and kingdoms. This marked the end of the Age of Steel, and the beginning of the Current Era.

  • Year 183 of the Current Era, the 24th day of Oblivarch
    The Ashmen invade the Bracciano Sea
    Disaster / Destruction

    No longer finding a worthy opponent from the Üth Empire, the Ashmen sail much further and invade the much wealthier Bracciano Sea

  • Year 209 of the Current Era, the 12th day of Neunember
    The Braccian League is formed

    After the devastating destruction caused by the Ashmen over 25 years ago, the cities and governments of the Bracciano Sea teamed together to form the Braccian League.

  • Year 912 of the Current Era, the 18th day of Primarch
    The First Divine Ütherreich Crusade
    Military action

    The Ütherreich, it's sights set on land that once belonged to the Üth Empire, assaults the Dwarven Kingdoms and the Braccian League.

  • Year 921 of the Current Era, the 26th day of Abelus
    The Second Divine Ütherreich Crusade
    Military action

    After losing the cities it conquered during the first crusade, the Divine Ütherreich wanted revenge.

  • Year 927 of the Current Era, the 3rd day of Oblivarch
    The Third Divine Ütherreich Crusade
    Military action

    Crippled and still angry after the second crusade, the Divine Ütherreich launched an uncoordinated, chaotic attack against the Braccian League.

  • Year 934 of the Current Era, the 30th day of Abelus
    Bérenger is jailed for counterfeiting
    Life, Milestone

    Bérenger gets caught spending counterfeited Moons in an establishment belonging to Estefania Riego

  • Year 935 of the Current Era, the 6th day of Neunember
    Theste Marblepass leaves home
    Life, Milestone

    Theste leaves her home in the United Dwarven Kingdoms to visit Castellana on a personal quest

  • Year 935 of the Current Era, the 11th day of Neunember
    Ibeus Udrodarin becomes Estefania's court wizard
    Life, Milestone

    The position of court wizard at Estefania Riego's manor opened up, and Ibeus Udrodarin was set to take the position. Nobody knows there was a slight hiccup in this plan.

  • Year 935 of the Current Era, the 8th day of Zehnember
    The Fourth Divine Ütherreich Crusade
    Military action

    Not officially considered to be a crusade, the "fourth crusade" was called by the Emperor and caused petty squabbles to break out amongst the lords of the Ütherreich.

  • Year 936 of the Current Era, the 17th day of Excidarch
    The Start of Titan's Sorrow
    Life, Milestone

    A group of unwitting adventurers are about to collide at the start of what is sure to be an epic adventure.