Galmannstrod Settlement in Ardrim | World Anvil


Galmannstrod is an old city that lies upon a cliff on the mountainside surrounding the Kalkothe Valley. It is occupied by peoples that many of the denizens of the known world would consider to be savage and uncivilized, although this could not be farther from the truth.


Galmannstrod is actually one of the most diverse cities in the world, something that would normally not be expected in a seemingly isolated northern city. The largest groups include the Goliath tribes, orcs, gnolls, shifters, and a few other groups. They are generally the peoples that are generally looked down upon by much of society.


Galmannstrod is run through a tribal representative system in which tribes have representatives proportional to their size, with a minimum of one.


Galmannstrod is incredibly well-defended, although not in a traditional manner. It is nestled against the steep cliffs of the Bæor Mountains while resting upon its own cliff. The path to ascend the cliff is steep and, while not particularly narrow, is not particularly wide. This makes the city very defensible, with its only weakness being to an aerial assault. Fortunately for the inhabitants of Galmannstrod, aerial assaults are incredibly uncommon, with the only fully developed aerial military force being possessed by Maenor. However, even that force is considerably small.

Guilds and Factions

Galmannstrod contains a vast number of factions due to the very nature of the city and overall nation's government, which consists of a vast number of loosely allied tribes. Most of these tribes have entirely separate desires and agendas, with some exceptions being made due to close alliances between some of these tribes. There are also a number of criminal organizations that operate to at least some extent within the city. This is mostly due to the relatively hands-off approach to nonviolent crime, allowing for the city to profit from what would be the black market in most other cities.


Galmannstrod was originally a settlement of the Arn, one of the ten Goliath Völvur. It was created with the intent of being a defensible fortress and encampment, but it steadily grew to become a more general city. Granted, at that time it was still very much a large village as it only had a population of approximately 15,000. After the Bæor Mountains were destroyed, it became one of the only surviving settlements of the Völvur. As such, the goliath tribes rallied to it, and with this attracted many of the other tribes native to the surrounding region (specifically the Kalkothe Valley) to the city. It would eventually become the site at which Annorn was officially created through a treaty of confederation between all of the native tribes.


Galmannstrod lies upon a high cliff up against the steep sides of the Bæor Mountains, a position that is incredibly defensible.
Location under
Owning Organization


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