Treri Can Settlement in Ardre | World Anvil

Treri Can

Lord: Willis of Clan Broten
Sigil: A Lion Regardant
Colors: Pale blue and midnight blue   Sometimes called Haretown, Treri Can was erected in the Middle Royal Age as a haven for western Urudunites fleeing Bagni Canta during the Khabarese Invasion. Treri Can also built the Safe Road, solidifying their reputation as a town of cowards.   Despite being over a hundred miles apart, there are many historical rivalries between Haretown and Bagni Canta, both as towns and between individual families. There is still much custom between the towns, and even intermarriage, but Treri Can will tolerate none of the Khabarese influence in its local customs.
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Trerians, Hares
Included Locations
Owning Organization