Thaddeus Padwell Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Thaddeus Padwell

Lord Thaddeus Padwell

Lord Thaddeus Padwell was the Chief of Ships under the reigns of Garland IV and Dorreon II, and was a major figure in the Four Crowns. Naval combat had an extremely minor role in the conflict, but the wealth of Aerwoth was vital to the three (and eventually four) warring factions. Lord Thaddeus' defection from Prince Harek Beth over to Lord Jonah Slabh early into the second year of the war is often considered a significant blow the Prince's cause. This switch is widely credited to the sudden death of his son and heir, Sir Ronart Padwell, who died mysteriously whilst in the Boarsden at Revelback.
4945 4998 53 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ghast (peach)
Aligned Organization