Teuwis Mire (Yeosak) Geographic Location in Ardre | World Anvil

Teuwis Mire (Yeosak)

The northernmost stretch of wetlands in the Yesan Reach, itself part of the Yeosak Sunmire.   The Teuwis Mire is a place of great turmoil in modern times. Though held principally by the Gau, there has always been a steady Donni presence in the area, and the two peoples have coexisted largely in peace. When the Nossu refugees fled south after the Nuvusma purchase, however, many of the Donni objected to their (fairly minor) presence in the Teuwis. This would force many of the more influential Gau to try moving the Nossu elsewhere, resulting in mutual resentment between the three peoples (most of the Teuwis Nossu would either return to Cheonsak or tail to the Silver Isle). The issue was only exacerbated when Abjaa began welcoming Eysch merchants, who used the port town as a way station (and as a meeting point for black market dealings). The Donni welcomed the Eyschfolk, but the Gau saw them as unholy invaders, and the Nossu had obvious objections. Nossu continue to diminish in the region, and while the Gau remain the most powerful folk in Samaya, Eysch influence grows unabated all along the east coast of Kynaj.   The southern border of Teuwis is defined by the Azdakhorn River (and the Basil Field) and the northern edge of the Storm Forest.
Alternative Name(s)
North Mire
Wetland / Swamp
Location under
Owning Organization