Regradis V, the Lost King - 147th King of Kings Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Regradis V, the Lost King - 147th King of Kings

Of the Regio Dynasty [Sigil: A White Sun upon a Field Quartered Red, Blue, Orange, and Green]
[987 RA]   Regradis donned the crown of crowns at four-and-fifty years. This might not seem terribly old for a man of his hearty disposition, but Regradis had suffered two great terrors of which he never spoke: his disappearance into the Shadowgate Mountains from age twenty-seven to thirty-one, and his disappearance into the wild north shortly thereafter, from which he did not return until age forty-three.   When Prince Arridon presented his father for the coronation at Acciano, those few who were permitted to witness the event expressed shock at how the new king had changed. Tall, broad-shouldered, square-jawed, and sure he had been in youth, but now they saw a man whose muscles had melted to fat, whose shoulders slumped and mouth sagged, and whose confident eyes had turned as unsure as his mad brother’s.   Tyrano IV and Regradis V had been as different as two brothers could be in youth, yet their ends would prove remarkably similar. During his eight months as king, Regradis left all governing to his Six, all of whom had been selected by Arridon. On the rare occasions he was pressed to make a decision he would shrink in his throne with tears in his eyes, and his caretakers would remove him; he would not emerge again for hours or even days. Many tried to learn what had happened to Regradis during his absences, but supposedly even Prince Arridon never knew.   In the twelfth month of 987 RA, Arridon ordered his father confined to his apartments in Acciano, then for the first time since the Scion War, had the Prince of Hosts crown him king. More than once, Arridon would refer to this as his greatest shame, “that the Greatest Regradis should have his birthright stolen by his brother, then again by his own son.”   Regradis reportedly died of a chill in 988 RA and was privately interred on the Holy Isle.