Princess Constellation Geographic Location in Ardre | World Anvil

Princess Constellation

An Orckid Constellation, the Princess rests in the First Kingdom of the Northern Hemisphere of the Heavens.   In Mornal tradition, the Princess represents Queen Avell, who betrayed King Harthus Heartbreak and gave herself to Doromosh the Lover. Harthus slew Doromosh with this sword Heartbreaker, and gave Avell to Igsh the Devourer.   In Viisinari tradition, the Princess represents The Last Daugther, whose mother forbade her from marrying. The Last Daughter snuck lovers into her room, until one killed her from jealousy, using a piece of broken mirror, casting her out her tower window.
Princess Constellation by DALL-E
Alternative Name(s)
Queen Avell, the Last Daughter
Star System