Cagoscano Settlement in Ardre | World Anvil


The Sleeping City is a bit of a misnomer, as few would call it a true city. Still, Cagoscano lies between the Hellmont to the north (also a misnomer, being far more hill than mountain), and the Norhill to the south (which defines the border between Monos and Milos).   Cagoscano lies on the River Sollipon, named for a legendary King of Kings who escaped one of the Five Hells. The River, which flows out from under Hellmont and back under Norhill, is actually part of the Chaugeung's Sword River in Samaya. In fact, Cagoscano has more dealings with Samaya than any other Monosi settlement, with commerce thriving between the two areas.   Yet for all this, it remains a sleepy town, largely disconnected from Monosi politics.
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Cagosci, Cagoscani
Location under
Owning Organization