Ben, the Crownless - 150th King of Kings Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Ben, the Crownless - 150th King of Kings

Of the Benicent Dynasty [Sigil: A Golden Crown, Surrounded by Ten Golden Stars, upon a Blue Field]
[019 NA]   Benicent’s firstborn son was at the front in Embelmadro when he learned of his father’s death, and refused to abandon the fight. He insisted he would go to Acciano to be crowned once the fighting had settled, but never did so. Less than three months after Benicent's death, Ben the Crownless was slain by an Orckid commander who took his corpse back to Far East Orckid. Some claim the commander mounted Ben’s head on a wall. Many other far worse rumors about the body’s fate are also in circulation.