Goldblood Ethnicity in Ardras | World Anvil


"The goldbloods rule Fervor from their cliffside palaces, looking down on the rest of us like gods... Maybe; in some ways... They are."
— Disgruntled Copperblood Traveler

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Athena, Casseiopeia, Demetra, Herah, Persephona

Masculine names

Ares, Cantos, Garret, Kellemos, Peliculos, Zerus

Family names

Apokkan, Avenngar, Ballistram, Hadenfren, Garrason, Polliculos


Major language groups and dialects

  • Hadan
  • Common
  • Culture and cultural heritage

    As the founding families who settled Haden's Rest and entombed the legendary hero themselves, the residents of the city are made up mostly of a goldblood ruling class. The goldblood Archon rules supremely over the city, ensuring the orderly conduct of the kingdom alongside his two contemporary ruling Archons.   Little is expected of goldbloods other than keeping themselves in-line with the rulings of these archons. Goldbloods tend to spend their time pursuing noble arts such as astronomy, mathematics, the sciences, and more. Another noble route to pursue is that of military service, in the role of a hipparch or other commanding officer.

    Shared customary codes and values

    The goldbloods are a caste of Fervorian peoples who trace their ancestry back to the ancestral hero Hadan; they hold positions of high esteem and social regard. It was their army that followed Hadan on her exodus from Marblemarch and founded Haden's Rest. These royal families fought alongside Hadan in her conflicts following The Sundering.

    Average technological level

    Goldbloods lead the world of Ardras in technological insight, having broken into the secrets of magic and utilizing it to accomplish new breakthroughs in the sciences and the arts. They are in competition with Aristolia and maintain a strictly monitored trade network with the opposing empire.

    Common Etiquette rules

    Proper manners and a good sense of hospitality is a must for the goldblood caste. When guests enter their lavish estates, they are waited on hand and foot by loyal attendents. Every goldblood estate has a specially designed room for visitors which is brimming from wall to wall with trophies, bannerments, and all manner of decor.

    Common Dress code

    Goldbloods dress in layers of fine silken toga, a large piece of material wrapped around the masculine body as a cloak. Some of these layers are embroidered or dyed to identify one's family name.

    Art & Architecture

    Fervorian art and architecture is a marvel to behold, especially within the holy city of Haden's Rest. A part of their faith is the production of "architerion," a term used to describe creative works produced by Fervorians. Small ivory statuettes, tremendous feats of architecture such as The Wall of Paxum, along with goods made of copper, porcelain, silver, ebony,and other valuable materials.

    Common Customs, traditions and rituals

    Every day is a celebration for this caste, often engaging in prestigious galas or ceremonious affairs. Goldblood women love orchestrating events celebrating their husbands, and they in turn arrange elaborate balls honoring their wives.

    Birth & Baptismal Rites

    In the ancient marble quarry located deep within the Xervanos Mountains, goldblood couples must like all other fervorians trek through The Intrepedium to bring their family amphora to the shrine to sculpt their child.   Goldbloods are held to an especially high standard given their illustrious position within Fervorian society. Shrine attendents will often give goldbloods premium treatment and are accompanied by advisors and consultants. Many of these are hired by betrothed's parents, much to the begrudgement of the betrothed.

    Coming of Age Rites

    Goldblood coming of age rituals are close-kept secrets within the families who practice them. This is often because of the dark nature of such rituals.   Young goldblood men must perform a ritual known as "The First Execution," where they are tasked with the beheading of condemned criminals and prisoners. As goldbloods, they are the ruling authority and must take that power seriously. This coming of age rite is passed down from father to son.   Young goldblood women must perform a ritual known as "The First Truth," where they are tasked with determining who the guilty party of a trial is. As goldbloods, their word is Law, and a young women must learn to understand the power they wield. This coming of age rite is passed down from mother to daughter.

    Funerary and Memorial customs

    As goldbloods, this caste of fervorians are given the ultimate honor of enshrinement within Hadan's Tomb, a massive underground complex at the center of the city. Those lucky enough to die with their whole body intact are drained and filled with a nura solution in place of blood, there their body's serve Hadan for eternity.   Those whose bodies were destroyed or defaced are recreated to the best of the tombmasters' abilities and also filled with nura solution so that they may serve Hadan eternally. Those who cannot be reconstructed are given a plaque and a position amongst the many catacomb-like walls of the tomb.

    Historical figures

  • Hadan the Warrior Goddess
  • Ideals

    Beauty Ideals

    Goldbloods, especially goldblood women, are especially concerned with their image. So much so that the most leisurely among them will do nothing all day but be pampered and perfected. Many goldblood households have hired servants to prim and prep the most haughty of goldblood women in dazzling displays. Men among this caste also enjoy looking good, but not nearly so much to the degree that women do. A handsome looking goldblood man has no blemishes, cracks, or imperfections.

    Gender Ideals

    Goldblood women run the political sphere of their husbands warfare, doling out aid and comfort where it is needed. Men are expected to be incredibly intelligent military strategists with the ability to lead armies of warriors.

    Courtship Ideals

    Goldblood relationships are most often arranged marriages between goldbloods and the occasional silverblood who marries into the family. Parents determine these relationships based on political manueverings.

    Relationship Ideals

    Goldbloods have little desire in a relationship other than the upholding of marital expectations. Many goldblood couples tend to be distant from one another, often being more self-involved in their own seperate affairs.

    Major organizations

  • The Hadanguard
  • Schools of Hadan
  • Haden's Rest
  • Fervor
  • An aristocratic class of fervorians who live in luxury and excess, they live in palaces deep within the reaches of Fervor.
    Encompassed species
    Related Organizations
    Languages spoken