Ælfheah Handfläche Character in Arda | World Anvil
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Ælfheah Handfläche

Your Highness Ælfheah Handfläche

The young ruler of a young kingdom struggles to build it into something grand.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ælfheah is in good shape as a result of her time spent adventuring. She is short and slender but is stronger than she looks. However despite her good physical condition, her real strength lies in her mind.

Body Features

She is fair-skinned with strawberry blonde hair and light blue eyes. She often looks pale, because she spends much time ensconced inside dealing with one crisis after another, and because she tends to sunburn rather easy.

Facial Features

She has a heartshape face with upswept eyebrows and wide eyes that often gives the impression she is fascinated with whatever is going on, a trait she uses to her advantage whenever she can.

Identifying Characteristics

She has several piercings in both ears and a small tattoo of a star and a rose on her left forearm.

Special abilities

She has all the abilities of a mid-level summoner, but her biggest asset is Luftwulf her eidolon who takes the form of a winged wolf, and has been with her since she was a youth.

Apparel & Accessories

She tends to dress in simple clothing tailored for ease of movement. She shuns ostentatious displays of wealth, but has learned from Cynesige Apfelnähe the importance of displays of wealth both for morale purposes and impressing envoys and has begun to accumulate a small collection of high quality and stylish outfits and jewelry that she wears on special occasions.

Specialized Equipment

Her prized possession is a Bronze Griffon Figurine of Wondrous Power, otherwise she has access to all the equipment normal for a mid-level summoner.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ælfheah was born to poor parents living in the slums of Orthatebh. Nothing was to predict her rise to power. Her mother died while she was quite young, and her father abandoned her shortly thereafter. Left to scrape a living on her own, she resorted to petty theft for the most part until her eidolon first manifested. As he new found powers grew she began to become more daring until she attempted to rob a paladin. The paladin took pity on her and sponsored her for membership in his adventuring company. Ælfheah proved a boon companion as the company traveled north into the wilds of the Frontier Lands. However, something always bugged Ælfheah, one day she realized it was the other castaways such as herself scratching a bare living in the slums of Orthatebh. She returned and using the money she won as an adventurer led them to a place north of Cektoh on the Rozux River and established the town of Anmeth. Anmeth and Onzethcalet grew quickly at first as the dispossessed of the Frontier Lands and to an extent the New Kingdoms flocked to the fledgling kingdom. However, after a time the influx slowed to a trickle. Leaving her with small kingdom without much potential for growth.


She had no formal education growing up on the streets and coming into her powers without formal training. As an adventurer the company’s wizard took the time to educate her on some of the finer points of magic.


Ælfheah’s first employment was as a junior member of an adventuring company. Through loyalty and hard work, she quickly became a full-fledged member in her own right. She spent several years adventuring, learning, and earning wealth. She retired from adventuring to found her own kingdom.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her most notable accomplishment is founding her own kingdom. The irony is she wasn’t planning to establish a kingdom, merely create a settlement where the dispossessed could find a new start. However, the reality of what she started quickly outstripped her vision, and she was forced to, somewhat reluctantly, take on the mantle of ruler-ship.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her biggest failure to date was in picking the location of her nascent kingdom. While the location was ideal for a settlement, even an independent city-state, it was woefully inadequate for it wasn’t suitable for a growing kingdom. What’s more, she didn’t anticipate the need for trained craftsmen and artisans, her kingdom has a dearth of them, and an abundance of laborers. While she is managing to hold things together for the time being it remains to be seen how long she can continue and what will become of her and her kingdom.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ælfheah is fairly smart, considering she had no formal education growing up. However, she managed to make up for lost time during her days as an adventurer, and managed to accumulate quite a bit of knowledge, unfortunately most of it was regarding arcana, and little had any bearing on running a kingdom. Fortunately, what she lacks in knowledge she more than makes up for in judgement. Wise enough to see her own shortcomings she has surrounded herself with the best advisors she can find. Thanks to her ability to judge character they are, fortunately, all trustworthy so far.

Morality & Philosophy

Ælfheah looks for the good and worthy in all people. However, she is smart enough to realize that not everyone will rise to the occasion so to speak. Instead she takes people as she finds them encouraging them by her example to strive to be more than they are. She is doing her best to put together a system of law and justice to govern by. To this end she has been in regular contact with Cynesige Apfelnähe of Ethfamen for advice.

Personality Characteristics


Ælfheah’s main goal is to provide a place for this dispossessed (such as herself) to have a place where they can have a second chance at a life. She never intended to start her own kingdom, but since she has, she’s determined to do her best by her people. She’s already established treaties with Cektoh and Ethfamen, and has made overtures to several other Frontier Land kingdoms.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She has proven herself to be somewhat inept as an administrator but makes up for it with her skill at delegating and her ability to judge character. This coupled with her ability to see her own shortcomings and admit them, as made her an able leader.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes helping the dispossessed, remembering her own time as a street orphan. She hates those who would keep people down, believing everyone should have the opportunity to rise.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is a true egalitarian, though many, if not most, adventurers are. She wants what’s best for her young kingdom and is doing everything in her power to accomplish that. She likes using her summoning abilities to help her people, and often takes time to wander amongst the common folk and aid them when she can.

Vices & Personality flaws

Her biggest flaw is she doesn’t want to be a ruler, and would gladly abdicate if she could find someone who would treat her people the way she wants them treated.


Contacts & Relations

She is on good terms with Cynesige Apfelnähe of Ethfamen, and Wilkin Westadt of Cektoh. She is on less than cordial terms with Wynnstan Scheuer of Hirschtal, who sees her and her kingdom as an impediment to the growth of his own. Most of the other rulers of Frontier Land kingdoms are waiting to see what happens before allying with her or against her. The company she adventured with is still active and will come to her aid should she request it.

Family Ties

Apart from her father whom she hasn’t seen since she was a child, she has no family. In a sense she considers her former adventuring company to be her family.

Religious Views

While she is primarily a follower of Sinnis, she also pays homage to Laki, and Utu, along with most of the deities of good.

Social Aptitude

While she is a pleasant person, and she tries, growing up an orphan left her bereft of the manners common to the genteel class. Both Cynesige Apfelnähe and Wilkin Westadt are attempting to help her with this, and they are having some success as she is a determined pupil. She is kind and gentle and genuinely cares for her people.


She is enthusiastic and has a tendency to get excited and interrupt people when she has a good idea, or what she thinks is a good idea.

Hobbies & Pets

She likes collecting art, an interest she developed as an adventurer, and has a modest collection that she has on display for all. She would like to patronize some aspiring artists, but currently a shortage of funds and a dearth of artists willing to relocate to Onzethcalet keeps this an unfulfilled dream.

Wealth & Financial state

She was once quite wealthy being a successful adventurer but has spent most of her wealth building up her kingdom. She now finds herself torn between the many improvements she wishes to make to her kingdom, and her desire to keep taxes low.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
696 31 Years old
Current Residence
Anmeth, Onzethcalet
Light blue
Long and strawberry blonde usually kept neatly tied back
130 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
She grew up speaking and is fluent in the common tongue. She also is proficient in halfling, elvish and draconic. She is currently struggling to learn dwarven.
Ruled Locations

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