Stormwielder in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Stormwielders stride into battle holding their trademark spears and raining down the fury of the storm on their foes. This blending of magical and martial power makes them fearsome to face. And their attacks echo with the thunder of the heavens.  


Aquillus's domains of Knowledge, the Sky, and Leadership  

Starting Attributes

Stormweilders take a varied approach to combat, blending a variety of styles to achieve a synergy that's greater than the sum of its parts. They should be wary of focusing too much on any one attribute to the detriment of others.  

Starting Skills

Defense: 2
Melee: 3
Sky Magic: 3
Warding: 2   5 points remain  

Starting Inventory

Spear: Quality 3   Medium Armor: Quality 2   Caster's Pendant: Quality 2  

Talent Advancement

  1. Beginner Caster: A Stormwielder can call upon the sky to attack their foes.
  2. Spellblade: You learn to hold the power of the storm in your spear, attacking with the might of the heavens. Spells like Command Lightning and Freeze are particularly useful in this regard.
  3. Into the Fray: With the wind at your back, you charge fiercely into combat.
  4. Melee Expert: You wield the storm, but you also wield a spear, and you have achieved excellence with the latter as well as the former.
  5. Armorer: Aquillus demands the best, and that goes down to even the gear you maintain. Your weapons are ready for battle always.
  6. Adept Caster (requires Beginner Caster): You have now tamed the winds and harnessed thunder. The sky listens to you and obeys.
  7. Absorb Magic: Aquillus rules over the supernatural. Enemy mages hurl their spells at you in vain.
  8. Bulwark: You are hard to hit, and even when struck, you rarely suffer.
  9. Energy Affinity: You specialize in ice or lightning. Pick one when you take this talent.
  10. Sturdy Body: The storm will not be quelled by blade or bow, and neither will you.
  11. Magical Sniper: You strike not only with power but also precision, tearing your foes apart with well-aimed blasts of magic.
  12. Master of Casting (requires Adept Caster): You have achieved mastery of the storm. You snap your fingers, and a sunny day becomes a hurricane, or vice versa.


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