Command Lightning in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Command Lightning

You have advantage on casting this spell during a thunderstorm.  


This deals lightning damage to the target equal to your Magic Power, and it can be non-lethal if you wish.  


This deals lightning damage to the target equal to your Magic Power plus your Soul rating, and it can be non-lethal if you wish. You can instead incorporate the cantrip version into a weapon attack.  


This acts as the great version, but you can incorporate it into a weapon attack. Alternatively, you can chain the great version’s effect through a number of zones up to your Magic Power, hitting one target in each zone but you can’t hit the same zone twice with the same spell. This can be either lethal or non-lethal damage, your choice, but it must be the same for all targets.  


This deals triple both your Magic Power and your Soul rating in damage to a target and one times your Magic Power and Soul rating to one target of your choice in each zone in range. As always, this can be lethal or non-lethal damage.

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