Wisplight Soceity Organization in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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Wisplight Soceity


The Ferryman



Whispering Attendant


To the laws of nature, all must obide for the balance to work. Even civilization and it's growing technology.   To achieve this goal, the society works on trading with the nature, rather than steal from it. For every tree cut, two more must stand in it's place. For every plant harvested, a new must be sown. For every life lost, another must be perserved.

Public Agenda

The society promises that their technology shall not contribute to further dominating the wilds, but enhance it.


It all started with a whisper in the woods. A frequency few are gifted, or maybe cursed to hear. It held a promise of great power.   But some do not seek swift might or borrowed glory. The Ferryman had long avoides such lies, in his ever lonely travels across the Spiritmarshes Instead his mind searched for something else, a feint breath of something that could be heard in the skittering madness.   That, was when he first met the Ghâl, whom was trapped by the same conciousness that weaved the lies of power. Together, they realized that the offer wasn't an invitation, but a demand. The swamps sought to consume them both. Together, they formed one individual and one society to fight back against the vile powers that seek to rupture nature's balance.

Divine Origins

From within the bioluminum, a lifeform known as the Ghâl is said to reside. This creature has no physical form, but inhabits all who achive balance with this organic compound.   This balance, when achieved lets an individuals conciousness develope to see the world through a different light. A light where all the souls and energies become apparent, visible. In this trance, the whispers of the doomed and damned can be heard, and their warnings felt.

Tenets of Faith

Life is but the cost of energy.

Energy is but the gift of life.

The body is an organic machine.

The machine is an organic body.

There can be no truth without either.


The society believes that, no matter how dire a situation is, one must always strive to make the greater choices, the better choices. They seek to avoid violence as well as they can, and always strive for a peaceful solution. When all options are exhausted however, it is their right to cleanse the foul through a swift and merciless death.


There is no exact religion to be worshipped, nor are the Ghâl seen as godlike, or even divine. The faith rather focuses on the self and the harmony with the symbiotic Ghâl. Unhealth, both physical and mental may shake this balance, which makes it so important to be calm and happy.   A little practice that may help keep the calm is smoking certain mixtures of herb that numb the nerves and keep the stress at bay.


One can distinguish the members of the society by their lanterns they wear. This keepsafe works as a form of life support, to that of the symbiotic Ghâl that incubates within them. Individuals who already passed the incubation period can be spotted on the deep blue glowing eyes, glowing blue veins, and lightblue speckled skin.   To achieve this metamorphis, one must concent to the gift of the Ghâl, which is only granted through proving ones compassion and tenacity to the Conclave.

Political Influence & Intrigue

With a grip of the city, and a significant role within the Frozen Empire, the Society are capable of shifting the political tables and are one of the main spokesmen for ethical, biological and spiritual questions.

Pre'serva Baal

Druidic Circle
Government System
Machine government
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Parent Organization


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