Stormriders Military Formation in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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We taste the blood of gods tonight, Outriders! These hellspawn, these curs that aim to lay claim to our ancestral lands have taken their first step into twilight tonight! Give them no respite and show them the fury of mortal ingenuinity, as we are no mere beast they can just chase out.



The Stormriders cavalary consists of twentyfive riders for each of the seven bands of outrider units.


The Stormriders usually wear darker clothes which pair well with their surroundings, such as brownish coats, sometimes even with green textures accompanied by masks, chin strapped hats and even helmets. In truth, these cavalary troops is what you get from giving a criminal band of raiders and looters access to better military grade equipment such as proper warhorses, hidden spidersilk armour underneath their clothes and even medical kits for first aid and field surgery.


Like proper bandits, the Stormriders utilize revolvers, repeater rifles and the rare shotguns, even though they're not always the best option for long range combat. In close quarters they excel though, accompanied by the household given rapiers they weild in melee engagements. There is also no storm in Stormriders without tezla, which is why they also carry a few Stormtech Weapons for the extra utility and effectiveness in combat.


Except for the Direwolf rode by their leader Goldbert Hagglewire, the rest of the bands ride Mustang horses into combat, due to their skill at traversing the mountains and being bred around the steppe which borders the Ravenwoods, by the allied House of the Bear to boot. Hence, their steeds come of incredible quality and training, with near fearless loyality to their riders.


The Stormriders are lead by the Grand Treasurer Goldbert Hagglewire himself, though the other six crews are lead by his henchmen that happen to be a mixture of Goblin and Dyskhar. Due to their close bonds and trust, even though he himself makes all the big calls, the henchmen are allowed to command their own riders just as they see best fit. It is also their job to send messages by birds to the rest of the army, to report.


As Outriders, they play the roles of both missile cavalary, a harassment to their enemies and a scouting flank unit that relays information via avian post to the greater army forces. Their job is to take the art of war down to the letter and attempt to put their foes in such disadventageous situations that they hopefully surrender before any battle can beggin. Naturally, this does not always work, especially not with demonic spawn or abyssal forces. Hence, they aim to strike down enemy higher-ups through long ranged fire while riding away and dodging between woodlands, mountains and any other hard terrain to follow, before returning for another salvo.
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Assumed Veterancy
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