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Anthropoids are living artificial beings, who are unique from other magical constructs in that their sentience comes not from a bound spirit, but rather from natural processes carried out by their nanobot components. They are usually roughly humanoid in appearance, composed of a metal skeleton surrounded by artificial mechanics, and other intricate works of machinery, and contained in an outer shell.

Basic Information


Anthropoids can come in three main looks or "models": humanoid, liminal, toyetic.   The majority of anthropoids exist as a humanoid model which resemble the human body, more specifically hauflin anatomy. They have a basic form that appear as bare, plastic-white or metallic human bodies, with a few sections colored in gray or blue.   Humanoid models further mimic the appearance of hauflins by having silicone rubber skin and hair designed to match a variety of their genders, ethnicities, races, and ages though they may be the same height or taller.   Liminal models tend to mimic instead other species other than hauflins such as fay or henge species, and typically have synthetic versions of their appendages.   Toyetic models instead have an appearance that emulates humanoid robot toy aesthetics, such as large heads, short limbs, and rounded extremities to appear cute and adorable to most.   These models usually have telltale signs of their artificial nature, such as obvious articulation at the joints, seams or gaps or lines that often expose biochemical light, or forgo natural looking metallic skin. The degree of this is usually dependent on how "natural" they choose to look, but they are always there.

Biological Traits

Synthetic Components: Anthropoids are composed of internal modules akin to synthetic organs. Most commonly they are composed of metal, plastics and/or ceramics. Anthropoid models seem to be progressing to designs that closely mimic organic systems with some of these organs serving important functions, such as maintaining heartbeat or temperature, where others are used to make the androids seem more organic, such as simulating eye blinking. An anthropoid's components can be exchanged for other component parts compatible with the anthropoid's model. Missing or critically damaged vital components lead to shutdown.     Nanite Integration: Anthropoid bodies contain high amounts of tiny machines called nanites that can circulate through their various body fluids. Liken to enzymes or hormones, nanites perform a mass majority of an anthropoid's autonomic functions whether metabolic or a defense mechanism, active or passive.   Nanite-enhanced healing: The nanites have an array of subroutines that passively maintain the integrity of their body's structures if damaged. They have the capabilities to cure them of most poisons, restart certain functional components, etc. In extreme situations, the nanites inside the body can take control and act to save the individual’s life. They also subconsciously react to smaller threats such as automatically dismantling tracers.   Physiological Management: The nanobots that make up most of their bodies can freely alter the body's composition while maintaining internal homeostasis. This can allow the Anthropoid to monitor and even alter their physiological needs in certain situations. A well acknowledged anthropoid could turn off their pain receptors during surgery, reroute energy to forgo sleeping, even stopping fluid from flowing in their arm that could have lead to a systemic infection. However many of these have a limit to how much or long the individual will have voluntary control over their autonomic functions.     Data Conversion: An Anthropoid can convert their consciousness into program data. Doing so they can travel cyberspace and even enter electronic devices and networks. Doing so however leaves their physical bodies completely inert and unresponsive until their consciousness reenters their hardware.   Machine manifestation: Anthropoids have the potential to shape their nanites into a variety of external machinery growing from their own bodies which can be used for offense, defense, and transportation. The devices formed out of the body can be broken, but Anthropoids skilled in this ability usually can reform them quickly afterward. Also, if exhausted, it takes more focus to maintain their machines; otherwise they instantly disassemble. An anthropoid will have to imagine the blue print for a new machine to build it and remember those that they recall. Anthropoids can also gain the blueprints for new machines (both domestic and weaponry) through mental programs via physical circuit chips or digital downloads. Previously, they lacked the ability to program the body into building more than one machine at a time. As of new mental processors, warrior and veteran anthropoids and their descendants can allow their nanites to build and use multiple machines simultaneously.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wireless Fidelity: Anthropoids are capable of—wirelessly and by touch—interfacing with technology, communications systems, and other androids. As such they can directly make phone calls or place online shopping orders. Androids can silently speak wirelessly among themselves and can access or share information and memory by touch.   EM Vision: Anthropoids can alter their vision to see a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum such as radio waves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma rays. Though they can only detect the light they see rather than produce it.   Computer Processing: The mind of a typical anthropoid possesses the analytical prowess of a supercomputer, allowing them to compute and process information at great speeds. Their minds are capable of carrying out multiple calculations and thought processes at once.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Although anthropoids are sexless, they can understand the concept of gender. Many anthropoids go their whole lives without a sex or gender as their mode of reproduction requires neither. For them, gender can be an aesthetic choice to better assimilate into gendered societies. Those who code as males are referred to as androids and those who code as female are gynoids.

Average Technological Level

Contributions to Kaf from the anthropoids include their ideas of machinery based industrialization. In attempting to understand how their own bodies operated, they built machinery to replicate these functions under changes in methods of manufacturing starting from the guild system to assembly-line production. Their understanding of electricity allowed them to develop electronics and expand and they wide array of electronic equipment available today.   Anthropoid society as a whole has embraced using the most efficient sources of energy as possible. When they began to embrace renewable sources, they were well supported in this endeavor by various fairy groups with similar goals.   The urban and suburban centers created by Anthropoids aim to use the most practical technology revolutions, such as creating the phenomenon of household electricity. They also have helped with making technologies that process magic more efficiently, whether it be enchanted items in a home or powering portable magic objects.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Their introspection as an society has led to much speculation about the nature of their sentience; talks based on how much they should be like organic life or how mechanical and technological they should be continue. How far should they approach tangible logic versus abstract concepts, as well as the meaning of being basically living machines. How far should they approach emotions and will they ever be comfortable with them? To what extent can their nanobots properly maintain their bodies? Should changes to body and personality be made through updates and upgrades in software and hardware or more through learning and experience? Anthropoids carry no memories of their race's creation and have problems understanding complex emotions. They have keen interests in science, spirituality, and magic as part of their innate drive for enlightenment.   Usually, the anthropoid psyche is patterned after the humanoids that their stock was based off of in personality as well as physical form; however, there are usually odd "glitches" or quirks due to an imperfect translation between organics and machine and the difficulty of tuning emotional response to humanoid norms. Typical examples as explained by non-anthropoid species are members having either subdued or excessive emotional response, verbal tics, and literalistic responses to conversation, although these can be reduced or eliminated by more skilled learning and interactions.
Humanoid, Toyetic, Liminal
400 - 600 years


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