Session 61: Gathering of Five Report in Arcadia | World Anvil
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Session 61: Gathering of Five

General Summary

21st of Owl to 24th of Owl
  • The crew passes time on their journey back to Adlem’s Quay with the professor
    • Gilda tries to smooth things over between Fedaria and Graham, and practices dancing
      • Gilda uses sending to contact a few of her circus members, and gets no response from Sala, an odd response from Westwind, and a normal response from Hurdy and Gurdy Tumblewright, who she directs to Adlem’s Quay
    • Rosie finishes working on her heat rune
    • Fedaria paces anxiously, and tries to learn from Gilda
    • Kiera practices her newly learned Pyrrhan fighting techniques
    • Mars tends to his garden, and has a successful bloom
  • A pod of skywhales is spotted entering the Acid Wastes by skirting below them, close to the Void Below
24th of Owl, Gods' Day
  • The Fly-by-Night arrives in Adlem’s Quay at night, and Professor Liathana is impressed that they dock directly in Blue’s shipyard
    • They find Blue, and after explaining the professor’s interest in using her research to get ships into the Thundering Storm, they begin discussing ideas in earnest
    • Blue lets the crew know that there was a letter left for them at Arthund’s workshop, left by the “fancy people”
    • Blue explains that he may need about a week to prototype the new concepts the professor gave him before he can apply it to the Fly-by-Night
  • The crew heads over to Arthund’s to see how he’s doing
    • Upon entering his workshop, Adis and Kadra have an excited reunion, talking excitedly with each other
    • Arthund hands them a letter, explaining that Artura and Alexandre were invited to a dinner at the Feycastle, and the letter requests that the crew come find them as soon as they can
  • Following the request in the letter, the party heads towards Fey Castle to find the Pyrrhans
    • Two guards in Temple of Artirx armor block their way, but after Gilda uses Sending to alert Artura to their presence, a messenger runs down to allow them in
    • The crew is lead through the building, finding odd spaces and strangely twisting hallways along the way
    • Eventually the crew find themselves in the dining hall with Eadwic Vyncis, Priest-Lord of Adlem’s Quay. Artura and Alexandre are glad to see the crew, and with an excuse to exit, they head out to meet up with Arthund and Kadra
  • After a walk back through town with the Pyrrhan guard accompanying them, getting some attention, they arrive back at Arthund’s workshop
    • The crew notes that they are having an increasingly difficult time hiding their activities from public attention
  • At Arthunds workshop, with five armaments gather, the group looks to the spirits to try to perform the locating ritual
    • The spirits all appear and join hands, and those present suddenly have a vision of a dark space
    • The space becomes a vision of Gods’ Watch, and zooms into a temple area with a bald, older man giving a speech behind a lectern
    • With the man is an albino tiefling, holding a torch and a book, and the tiefling seemingly turns towards the view of the vision and ends it
  • Artura recognizes the man as Torchbearer Reed, leader of the church of Imera and member of Gods’ Watch’s Council of Churches
    • The group discusses the possibility of the tiefling being the spirit of the crown armament, and whether they should directly approach them
    • Rosie notes that the crown may be used in an immoral way, influencing those with its powers
    • The Midnight Crew decides to ask Esta about contacting Ilyx and Aethid to see if they can find out more about Reed and his tiefling associate
  • The crew splits up to tackle a few activities
    • Fedaria, Rosie, Mars and Kiera meet up with Esta to ask her to contact Ilyx in Gods’ Watch and investigate Torchbearer Reed on their behalf
    • Graham talk to Blue to ask him to kick off his prototyping for traversing the Thundering Storm, and spends time in the workshop to ask Arthund and Kadra to work on Toby’s sword, while continuing his own work on the compound bow
    • Gilda goes to talk to Breaker about what she learned in her Sending spells, including news that Westwind didn’t seem quite right
25th of Owl, Forge Day
  • In the morning, Rosie picks up her long-awaited library card
  • The team sets off to search for Fedaria’s mother while Blue experiments with the Thundering Storm technology
    • The team begins circling the continent and check the five spots they noted on their map
    • The third location they find seems most likely, with a small fishing village attached to a large lake
    • Graham uses his newfound Locate Creature spell to confirm her presence, and brings the ship down to the village
  • A crowd gathers to see the airship, and a Tortle comes out to great Fedaria, Kiera, and Gilda while Rosie, Mars, and Graham keep an eye on the ship
    • The tortle, the village elder, tells Fedaria that her mother, Rissa Quinn, lives in their community and points the group in her direction
  • Fedaria approaches the lived-in hut, and knocks on the door...
Report Date
03 Oct 2021
Primary Location

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