Session 25 Recap Report in Arcadia | World Anvil
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Session 25 Recap

General Summary

28th of Hawk, Tomes Day
  • While waiting for the Fly by Night to be repaired, the Midnight Crew does various downtime activities
    • Rosie reads about crystals and researches Xelsoan Law at the Broken Staff Inn
    • Graham works on a new weapon at Arthund’s workshop and asks the others to make some purchases for him
    • Gilda, Fedaria, Theo, and Toby go out for cake at a place recommended by Big Greg, “Mirelle’s Bakery” and get tea at a teahouse nearby
    • While enjoying tea, Toby suddenly starts coughing up black smoke and turns cold
    • Theo detects magic on the smoke, sensing some magic residue to it
  • The group at the teahouse decide to go back to the Broken Staff to find the rest of the crew
    • On the way, Toby coughs up a corrosive sludge, and a strange voice bellows from him, saying “THEODORE CROW”
    • Theo runs, magically disguises himself, vomits cake, and lays down under a bush while Fedaria easily catches up and joins him
    • Theo and Fedaria talk about Theo’s ex patron
    • Gilda uses sending to inform Rosie of what’s happening and eventually finds her at the Broken Staff. Rosie departs to get Graham
    • Rosie finds Graham and Arthund, and they have a quick discussion about what could be possessing Toby and the nature of the Shadowfell. Arthund recommends they all meet at the Broken Staff to use the quiet room, and messages Esta to have her join them there
  • Everyone converges at the Broken Staff
    • Graham talks to Theo outside the inn, and confirms that the “ex” can’t come into this plane through Toby
    • Arthund and Esta arrive, and Arthund asks Theo about his ex patron - Theo says they are called either the Queen of Black Pearls or King of Black Pearls
    • Theo and Fedaria wait outside while the group goes to quiet room
    • Arthund starts to question the patron, with his eyes turning slightly green and his voice reverberating slightly, asking why they are in their dog friend
    • The patron demands that they bring Theodore Crow to them, and says that they will kill Toby if they don’t
  • The Midnight Crew and Arthund fetch Theo, telling him that Toby has been threatened by his patron, and Theo agrees to talk to them despite his reluctance
    • Theo provokes his old patron by saying he’s got a new one now to protect him, and smoke pours from Toby forming a tall, androgenous humanoid shape
    • The form shouts “I take from you your gifts from the shadows,” and smoke flows out of Theo and into the form, and it says “Tell Theo we’ll finish this later.”
    • Theo passes out, but he’s warm and has a normal heart rate. He appears to be sleeping.
  • The group has questions for Arthund, considering his demonstrated ability to communicate with the ex patron
    • Esta is upset that Arthund hadn’t shared these abilities with her, as he could have used them to help their cause
    • Arthund explains he was part of a monster hunting group, and had made several pacts with powerful beings, with most of them resolved but at least one still active.
    • The hunting group and the being he contracted with are both still looking for him, and the being can be “random” in its wants
    • The ritual Arthund went through was powerful and warping, and changed him
    • Rosie asks why he made agreements with these creatures, and Arthund says they sought him out in moments of weakness, and when they offered him power he felt that was his only option to continue surviving
    • As a cost to the pacts he made, Arthund can’t smell flowers or feel heat, among other things
    • Graham asks what the monster hunting group was called, and after insisting that they all stay away from the group, Arthund tells them it’s called the “Blood Hunters”
  • After helping Theo to bed, Fedaria stays with him, Gilda stays with Toby, and Rosie stays at the Broken Staff. Graham returns to Arthund’s workshop, and writes a letter to Mars
    29th of Hawk, Flames Day
  • The Midnight crew takes care of a few odds and ends in the morning
    • In the morning, Gilda shops for the various items Graham had requested
    • Graham gives his letter to Mars to Big Greg for delivery, and asks him to let Mars know he doesn’t have to reply if he doesn’t want to
    • Theo wakes up and discovers he has stronger senses
  • The Midnight Crew meets after Theo wakes up, and he tells them more about his old patron
    • Theo had a good relationship with the Queen of Black Pearls, but they started asking him to do things he was uncomfortable with
    • The Queen asked him to kill someone that was not from the Shadowfell because they wanted his blood, but Theo refused to do it
    • The Queen became angry with him, and that’s when he ran to the Feywild by going through a pond called “The End of the World”
    • While in the Feywild, he found another pond, and black arms sprung from it and pulled him in, moving him back towards the Shadowfell
    • While being pulled, he felt something else intervene, and pull him “sideways” towards the material plane, and that’s how he came to arrive here
  • The crew discusses the likelihood of Theo’s ex patron being a problem
    • Gilda’s cards had said Theo was trustworthy, but gave no info about the island, so she may try specifically asking if going is a good idea
    • Fedaria and Theo plan to ask their respective deities about their plans, and hope that Yrrasil may know something about Theo’s new patron
    • Theo mentions that maybe the island has a bunch of “hot people”, which confuses Fedaria
  • Graham returns to Arthunds with Gilda, who gives him his requested shopping materials
  • Theo and Fedaria go out to experience life in general with Theo’s stronger senses
  • Rosie goes the Blue’s to check on the ship, and sees Lysivia’s new weapon for the Fly-by-night - a lightning weapon that damages a ship’s crew and internals more than the ship itself. Rosie shares this with everyone and they install it on the port side.
  • Fedaria asks Gilda about Theo’s “hot people” comments, which leads to a conversation about what other sexual phrases mean. When Gilda tries to go over some basic sex ed, Fedaria becomes increasingly upset and heads to her room
  • Overnight, Fedaria unleashes a spell in her sleep due to being upset and shocking grasps the bed
    30th of Hawk, Gods Day
  • Rosie begins the long process of requesting books from the library
  • At some point, Toby wandered away from Arthund’s workshop and no one is sure where he is
  • Fedaria and Gilda discuss Fedaria’s state of mind, with Fedaria mentioning she “should never have left the church”, and that she was “rescued” from the church in some way
    • When Gilda asks if she wants to talk about it, Fedaria says she would like to tell everyone at once so she doesn’t have to go over it multiple times
    • Gilda goes to find the rest of the Midnight Crew so they can all hear what Fedaria has to say at the Broken Staff
Report Date
25 Oct 2019
Primary Location

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